------------- alsfrs ------------- patient_id,days_from_diagnosis,source,Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,Q5,Q6,Q7,Q8,Q9,Q10,Q11,Q12 + patient_id: Hashed code that uniquely identifies a patient. + days_from_diagnosis: Time since diagnosis expressed in days. + source: Who provided the annotation. Possible values {CT, APP}. CT indicates a value assessed by a clinician, APP indicates a self-assessed value. + Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,Q5,Q6,Q7,Q8,Q9,Q10,Q11,Q12: value for the ALSFRS-R questionnaire item. ------------ sensors ------------ + patient_id: Hashed code that uniquely identifies a patient. + days_from_diagnosis: Time since diagnosis expressed in days. + active_calories: Total active calories + basal_calories: Total basal calories + beat_to_beat_AI: Area Index, defined as the cumulative area of the sectors corresponding to the points that are located above Line of Identity (LI) divided by the cumulative area of sectors corresponding to all points in the Poincaré plot except those that are located on LI. + beat_to_beat_C2a: the contributions of heart rate acceleration in long-term Heart Rate Variability (HRV) (Piskorski, 2011). + beat_to_beat_C2d: the contributions of heart rate deceleration in long-term HRV (Piskorski, 2011). + beat_to_beat_Ca: the total contributions of heart rate accelerations to HRV. + beat_to_beat_Cd: the total contributions of heart rate accelerations to HRV. + beat_to_beat_GI: Guzik’s Index, defined as the distance of points above line of identity (LI) to LI divided by the distance of all points in Poincaré plot to LI except those that are located on LI. + beat_to_beat_HTI: The HRV triangular index, measuring the total number of RR intervals divided by the height of the RR intervals histogram. + beat_to_beat_IALS: Inverse of the average length of the acceleration/deceleration segments. + beat_to_beat_PAS: Percentage of NN intervals in alternation segments + beat_to_beat_PI: Porta’s Index, defined as the number of points below LI divided by the total number of points in Poincaré plot except those that are located on LI. + beat_to_beat_PIP: Percentage of inflection points of the RR intervals series. + beat_to_beat_PSS: Percentage of short segments + beat_to_beat_SD1a: short-term variance of contributions of accelerations (shortenings of RR intervals) (Piskorski, 2011). + beat_to_beat_SD1d: short-term variance of contributions of decelerations (prolongations of RR intervals) (Piskorski, 2011). + beat_to_beat_SDNNa: total variance of contributions of accelerations (shortenings of RR intervals) (Piskorski, 2011). + beat_to_beat_SDNNd: total variance of contributions of decelerations (prolongations of RR intervals) (Piskorski, 2011). + beat_to_beat_SI: Slope Index, defined as the phase angle of points above LI divided by the phase angle of all points in Poincaré plot except those that are located on LI. + beat_to_beat_csi: The Cardiac Sympathetic Index (Toichi, 1997), calculated by dividing the longitudinal variability of the Poincaré plot by its transverse variability. + beat_to_beat_csi_modified: The modified CSI (Jeppesen, 2014) obtained by dividing the square of the longitudinal variability by its transverse variability. + beat_to_beat_cvi: The Cardiac Sympathetic Index (Toichi, 1997), equal to the logarithm of the product of longitudinal variability of the Poincaré plot by its transverse variability. + beat_to_beat_cvsd: The root mean square of the sum of successive differences (RMSSD) divided by the mean of the RR intervals (MeanNN). + beat_to_beat_hcvNN: The median absolute deviation of the RR intervals (MadNN) divided by the median of the absolute differences of their successive differences (MedianNN). + beat_to_beat_iqrNN: The interquartile range (IQR) of the RR intervals. + beat_to_beat_madNN: The median absolute deviation of the RR intervals. + beat_to_beat_meanNN: The mean of the RR intervals. + beat_to_beat_medianNN: The median of the absolute values of the successive differences between RR intervals. + beat_to_beat_pNN20: The proportion of RR intervals greater than 20ms, out of the total number of RR intervals. + beat_to_beat_pNN50: The proportion of RR intervals greater than 50ms, out of the total number of RR intervals. + beat_to_beat_rmssd: The square root of the mean of the sum of successive differences between adjacent RR intervals. + beat_to_beat_sd1: SD1 is a measure of the spread of RR intervals on the Poincaré plot perpendicular to the line of identity. It is an index of short-term RR interval fluctuations, i.e., beat-to-beat variability. It is equivalent (although on another scale) to RMSSD, and therefore it is redundant to report correlations with both (Ciccone, 2017). + beat_to_beat_sd1sd2: The ratio between short- and long-term fluctuations of the RR intervals (SD1 divided by SD2). + beat_to_beat_sd2: Measure of the spread of RR intervals on the Poincaré plot along the line of identity. It is an index of long-term RR interval fluctuations. + beat_to_beat_sdNN: The standard deviation of the RR intervals. + beat_to_beat_sdNNI1: The mean of the standard deviations of RR intervals extracted from 1-minute segments of time series data. + beat_to_beat_sdNNI2: The mean of the standard deviations of RR intervals extracted from 2-minutes segments of time series data. + beat_to_beat_sdNNI5: The mean of the standard deviations of RR intervals extracted from 5-minutes segments of time series data. + beat_to_beat_sdaNN1: The standard deviation of average RR intervals extracted from 1-minute segments of time series data. + beat_to_beat_sdaNN2: The standard deviation of average RR intervals extracted from 2-minutes segments of time series data. + beat_to_beat_sdaNN5: The standard deviation of average RR intervals extracted from 5-minutes segments of time series data. + beat_to_beat_sdsd: The standard deviation of the successive differences between RR intervals. + heart_rate_baseline: The baseline heart rate (at stimulus onset). + heart_rate_linear_trend: The parameter corresponding to the linear trend of heart rate. + heart_rate_max_time: The time at which maximum heart rate occurs. + heart_rate_maximum: The maximum heart rate after stimulus onset. + heart_rate_mean: The mean heart rate after stimulus onset. + heart_rate_min_time: The time at which minimum heart rate occurs. + heart_rate_minimum: The minimum heart rate after stimulus onset. + heart_rate_quadratic_trend: The parameter corresponding to the curvature of heart rate. + heart_rate_r2: The quality of the quadratic model. + heart_rate_std: The standard deviation of the heart rate after stimulus onset. + respiration_ApEn: The approximate entropy + respiration_DFA_alpha1: The “short-term” fluctuation value generated from Detrended Fluctuation Analysis i.e. the root mean square deviation from the fitted trend of the breath-to-breath intervals. Will only be computed if there are more than 160 breath cycles in the respiratory rate. + respiration_DFA_alpha2: The long-term fluctuation value. Will only be computed if there are more than 640 breath cycles in the respiratory rate. + respiration_RMSSD: The root mean square of successive differences of the breath-to-breath intervals. + respiration_SD1: A measure of the spread of breath-to-breath intervals on the Poincaré plot perpendicular to the line of identity. It is an index of short-term variability. + respiration_SD2: SD2 is a measure of the spread of breath-to-breath intervals on the Poincaré plot along the line of identity. It is an index of long-term variability. + respiration_SD2SD1: The ratio between short- and long-term fluctuations of the breath-to-breath intervals (SD2 divided by SD1). + respiration_SDBB: The standard deviation of the breath-to-breath intervals. + respiration_SDSD: The standard deviation of the successive differences between adjacent + respiration_SampEn: The sample entropy + respiration_alpha1_DimMean: Multifractal DFA. Dimmean is the mean of singularity dimensions. + respiration_alpha1_DimRange: Multifractal DFA. DimRange is the range of singularity dimensions, corresponding to the height of the singularity spectrum. + respiration_alpha1_ExpMean: Multifractal DFA of short-term fluctuations. ExpMean is the mean of singularity exponents. + respiration_alpha1_ExpRange: Multifractal DFA of short-term fluctuations. ExpRange is the range of singularity exponents, corresponding to the width of the singularity spectrum. + respiration_alpha2_DimMean: Multifractal DFA. Dimmean is the mean of singularity dimensions. + respiration_alpha2_DimRange: Multifractal DFA. DimRange is the range of singularity dimensions, corresponding to the height of the singularity spectrum. + respiration_alpha2_ExpMean: Multifractal DFA of long-term fluctuations. ExpMean is the mean of singularity exponents. + respiration_alpha2_ExpRange: Multifractal DFA of long-term fluctuations. ExpRange is the range of singularity exponents, corresponding to the width of the singularity spectrum. + spo2_AOD100: Cumulative area of desaturations under the 100% SpO2 level as baseline and normalized by the total recording time + spo2_AODmax: The area under the oxygen desaturation event curve, using the maximum SpO2 value as baseline and normalized by the total recording time + spo2_AV: Average of the pulse oximetry. + spo2_CA: Integral SpO2 below the 90% SpO2 level normalized by the total recording time + spo2_CT: Percentage of the time spent below the 90% oxygen saturation level. + spo2_DI: Delta Index. + spo2_M: Percentage of the pulse oximetry 90% below median oxygen saturation. + spo2_MED: Median of the pulse oximetry. + spo2_Min: Minimum value of the pulse oximetry. + spo2_ODI: The average number of desaturation events per hour (int). + spo2_P: Percentile (90th) + spo2_POD: Percentage of oxygen desaturation events + spo2_RG: SpO2 range (difference between the max and min value). + spo2_SD: Standard deviation of the pulse oximetry. + spo2_ZC: Number of zero-crossing points. + steps_12_am-6_am: Total steps within the considered segment of data and between 12 AM and 6 AM daily + steps_12_pm-6_pm: Total steps within the considered segment of data and between 12 PM and 6 PM + steps_6_am-12_pm: Total steps within the considered segment of data and between 6 AM and 12 PM + total_calories: Sum of active and basal calories + total_steps: Total steps within the considered segment of data ------------- static ------------- + patient_id: Hashed code that uniquely identifies a patient. + sex: The assemblage of physical properties or qualities by which male is distinguished from female; the physical difference between male and female; the distinguishing peculiarity of male or female. [Definition Source: NCI]. Possible values: {female, male}. + diagnostic_delay: Delay between onset and diagnosis. Expressed in years. + age_at_diagnosis: The patient's age at diagnosis. Expressed in years. +FVC: FVC measured at diagnosis + weight: weight measured at diagnosis + bmi: BMI measured ad diagnosis