----------- edss ----------- + patient_id: Hashed code that uniquely identifies a patient. + pyramidal,cerebellar,brainstem,sensory,bowel_and_bladder,visual_function,cerebral_functions,ambulation: value of each EDSS variable +edss_as_evaluated_by_clinician: global EDSS assed by the clinician + week_from_baseline: Time between the baseline and the data collection expressed in weeks --- environmental_meas --- + patient_id: Hashed code that uniquely identifies a patient. + week_from_baseline: Time between the baseline and the data collection expressed in weeks + _num: For each recorded variable, number of valid measurements in that week, ranging from 0 to 7. + _mean: average of valid measurements in that week; if there are no valid measurements in that week, it is denoted as NA. +_who: PM25_who: number of days spent over the respective World Health Organization (WHO) threshold in that week (computed as following); if there are no valid measurements in that week, it is denoted as NA. 2) Definition of rules based on WHO Guidelines (only for air pollutants) The rules are established based on WHO's recommended air quality guideline levels for short-term (24 hours) exposure to various air pollutants. Each rule compares the concentration of a pollutant to its respective WHO guideline level. If the concentration exceeds the guideline level, the rule assigns a value of 1; otherwise, it assigns a value of 0. Here are the rules for different pollutants levels for short-term (24 hours) exposure to air pollutants (reference: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240034228) * For Carbon Monoxide (CO): if CO ≤ 4 mg/m3 then the value is 0; otherwise, it is 1 * For Nitrogen Dioxide (NO 2 ): if NO 2 ≤ 25 µg/m3 then the value is 0; otherwise, it is 1 * For Ozone (O3): if O 3 ≤ 100 µg/m3 then the value is 0; otherwise, it is 1 * For Particulate Matter with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers or smaller (PM 2.5): if PM 2.5 ≤ 15 µg/m 3 then the value is 0; otherwise, it is 1 * For Particulate Matter with a diameter of 10 micrometers or smaller (PM 10 ): if PM 10 ≤ 45 µg/m3 , then the value is 0; otherwise, it is 1 * For Sulfur Dioxide (SO 2 ); if SO 2 ≤ 40 µg/m3 , then the value is 0; otherwise, it is 1 3) Unit of measure of variables: PM25, PM10, CO, NO2, O3, SO2: micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3) Wind speed: m/s Relative humidity: % Sea level pressure: hPa Global radiation: W/m² Precipitation sum: mm Average temperature: °C Minimum temperature: °C Maximum temperature: °C --------- outcome --------- + patient_id: Hashed code that uniquely identifies a patient. + week_from_baseline: Time between the baseline and the data collection expressed in weeks --------- static ---------- + patient_id: Hashed code that uniquely identifies a patient. + sex: The assemblage of physical properties or qualities by which male is distinguished from female; the physical difference between male and female; the distinguishing peculiarity of male or female. [Definition Source: NCI]. Possible values: {female, male}. + residence_classification: Residence classification. When not absent, possible values are: {Cities, Rural Area, Towns}. + ethnicity: The ethnicity of a patient. When not absent, possible values are: {Black African, Caucasian, Hispanic}. + ms_in_pediatric_age: Boolean variable that states whether the patient contracted MS in pediatric age (True) or not (False). + age_at_onset: The patient's age at onset. Expressed in years. + age_at_baseline: The patient's age at baseline. Expressed in years. + diagnostic_delay: The Difference (in days) between the date of diagnosis and Time 0. When diagnosis date > Time 0, diagnostic_delay is set to Nan. + diagnosis_criteria_detail: Criteria used to diagnose MS. + spinal_cord_symptom: Boolean variable that states whether the patient had spinal cord symptoms (True) or not (False) at the onset. + brainstem_symptom: Boolean variable that states whether the patient had brainstem symptoms (True) or not (False) at the onset. + eye_symptom: Boolean variable that states whether the patient had eye symptoms (True) or not (False) at the onset. + supratentorial_symptom: Boolean variable that states whether the patient had supratentorial symptoms (True) or not (False) at the onset. + other_symptoms: Specifies what other symptoms (if any) the patient had at the onset. When not False, possible values are: {epilepsy, headache, psychic, RM+, sensory}. + centre This variable represents the medical centre from which the patient comes from. + diagnosis_criteria: Criteria for the diagnosis. Possible values are: {Diagnosed MS, Neuromyelitis optica, NA}