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The Brainteaser Ontology for ALS and MS Clinical Data

Release July 2024

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Ontology Version IRI:
Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio (University of Padua)
Guglielmo Faggioli (University of Padua)
Nicola Ferro (University of Padua)
Stefano Marchesin (University of Padua)
Laura Menotti (University of Padua)
Gianmaria Silvello (University of Padua)
Members of the Brainteaser project, Brainteaser H2020
Brainteaser project
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No GA101017598
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Guglielmo Faggioli, Laura Menotti, Stefano Marchesin, Adriano Chiò, Arianna Dagliati, Mamede de Carvalho, Marta Gromicho, Umberto Manera, Eleonora Tavazzi, Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio, Gianmaria Silvello, and Nicola Ferro. An Extensible and Unifying Approach to Retrospective Clinical Data Modeling: The BrainTeaser Ontology. Journal of Biomedical Semantics 15, 16 (2024).
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Ontology Specification Document

Introduction back to ToC

This webpage describes the design and development of the BrainTeaser Ontology (BTO) whose purpose is to jointly model both Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Clinical Data.

The BTO serves multiple purposes:

  • to provide a unified and comprehensive conceptual view about ALS and MS clinical data, which are typically dealt with separately, allowing us to coherently integrate the data coming from the different medical partners in the project;
  • to seamlessly represent both retrospective and prospective data, produced during the lifetime of BRAINTEASER
  • to allow for sharing and re-using the BRAINTEASER datasets according to Open Science and FAIR principles.

BRAINTEASER Ontology approach

The BTO is innovative since it relies on very few seed concepts - Patient, Clinical Trial, Disease, Event - which allow us to jointly model ALS and MS and to grasp the time dimension entailed by the progression of such diseases.

Indeed, the core idea is that a Patient participates in a Clinical Trial, suffers from some Diseases, and undergoes Events. These Events are different in nature and cover a wide range of cases, e.g. Onset, Pregnancy, Symptom, Trauma, Diagnostic Procedure (like evoked potentials or ALS-FRS questionnaires) Therapeutic Procedure (like Mechanical Ventilation for ALS or Disease-Modifying Therapy for MS), Relapse, and more. Overall, this event-based approach allows us to model ALS and MS in an unified way, sharing concepts among these two diseases, and to track what happens during their progression. Details of the design and functioning of the BTO are provided in the next sections of this deliverable.

Role of the BRAINTEASER Ontology

The BTO plays an important role in the overall BRAINTEASER architecture, shown in Figure 1. Indeed, it informs the implementation of the BRAINTEASER Semantic Data Cloud since the data contained here will be represented according to the BTO, i.e., they will be an instance of the BTO.

In Figure 1 it is possible to see that all the data will be anonymized prior to being represented in the BTO. This holds true for both the retrospective data, i.e., the data already held by clinical partners on the right of the figure, and the prospective data, i.e., the new data that will be collected during the project lifetime on the left.

Brainteaser architecture
Figure 1.The BRAINTEASER ontology and its role in the overall BRAINTEASER architecture.

The data held in the BRAINTEASER Semantic Data Cloud, exported in a suitable format, will then be used to train the AI models needed to predict the progression of both ALS and MS.

Finally, a subset of the data in the BRAINTEASER Semantic Data Cloud will be exported to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and they will be also shared and exploited for the Open Evaluation Challenges.

Figure 2 shows an overall picture of the whole data flow associated with the BTO and the BRAINTEASER Semantic Data Cloud, also in relation to Open Evaluation Challenges and the EOSC.

Data flow
Figure 2.The overall data flow associated with the BTO and the BRAINTEASER Semantic Data Cloud.

In summary, the BTO ontology will model the following data sources:

  • “Raw” data [anonymized]: these are the retrospective and prospective data discussed above:
    • Clinical data
    • Sensor/App data
  • Generated data: once trained on the above data, the AI models can be serialised as well and become part of the modelled data.
    • Serialized AI models
  • Evaluation Challenges: they will rely on three kinds of data which become part of the modelled data:
    • Evaluation Corpora: these are the training/validation/test sets and they are obtained by selecting an appropriate subset of the “raw” data;
    • AI models outputs: these are the results produced by the participating systems;
    • Performance scores and statistical analyses: the results produced by participants will be scored and then statistical analyses will be computed to assess them.

The BTO will also allow to link these data with other resources available in the Linked Open Data Cloud.

The Brainteaser Ontology: Overview back to ToC

This ontology has the following classes and properties.


Object Properties

Data Properties

Named Individuals

Background back to ToC

The term ontology has its origin in philosophy, where it refers to the study of existence. Similarly, in Computer Science an ontology is an explicit specification of a conceptualization [8]. Since their conception, ontologies have been largely employed to share a common understanding of the structure of information among people and software agents [9, 10]. On top of that, ontologies allow computers to have access to structured collections of information and rules that can be used to conduct automated reasoning. For these reasons, ontologies are considered the third basic component of the Semantic Web [9, 11]. Depending on the generality of the instances included within ontologies, we can distinguish between foundation and domain ontologies. The former model com- mon concepts that can be used in a wide variety of domains. A notable example is the Friend-Of-A-Friend (FOAF) ontology, which describes people’s personal information as well as their social relationships [11]. In general, foundation ontologies are thought to be imported and reused in domain-specific applications, where the original components are refined and extended to better represent the modeled reality [10]. The latter model a specific domain, thus representing the particular meaning of terms as they apply to that specialization. Indeed, the same word can assume different meanings in different fields. To illustrate this, let’s take the word “polyp” as an example. In the medical domain, a polyp is an abnormal growth of tissue projecting from a mucous membrane. On the other hand, in zoology, a polyp represents one of the two forms found in the Phylum Cnidaria. Given the objectives of this work, below we focus on describing domain ontologies.

Neurological Disease Ontologies

We report on neurological disease ontologies that share common properties with BTO. For each of them, we highlight what differentiates them from BTO and we detail why they cannot be used in place of it.

MS Ontologies

We report here the major accomplishment made in modeling ontologies about MS. This disease has received far more attention in the research community compared to ALS since it has a more prolonged course and larger prevalence. In [12] and later in [13], Gaspari et al. explore the possibility to compute the Automatic Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) (called AEDSS) exploiting an underlying ontology. They identify four main ontological classes: the rules used to infer the EDSS scores, the anatomical functional systems associated with each rule, the questions that allow to assess the degree of impairment, and the overall score. Therefore, AEDSS Application Ontology is utilized to improve the performance of an expert system. In [14, 15, 16], Esposito and De Pietro exploit an ontology to define rules that can be applied to the automatic categorization of images to locate lesions on the brain caused by MS. In [17], Jensen et al. developed Multiple Sclerosis Patient Data Ontology (MSPD) to represent data from patients affected by MS in the New York State Area. Although very similar to our objective, at the time of writing, the ontology is not publicly available and does not include any information about the ALS – hence it cannot be integrated with BTO. In [21], Malhotra et al. published Multiple Sclerosis Ontology (MSO), one of the most comprehensive ontologies that model the MS. The MSO is validated in the task of automatically annotating Electronic Medical Records and it can achieve an adequate performance of 73% of F1 score. More recently, in [23] Alshamrani et al., even though not directly involved in the creation of an ontology, present a global overview of the efforts made to utilize ontologies to favor model-driven decision-making in multiple sclerosis research. Several works do not model the MS in its entirety but only focus on some aspects. Our work, on the other hand, proposes a holistic approach to model Multiple Sclerosis. For the sake of completeness, we report the main works that model minor aspects of the MS. Finally, in [22] Pappalardo et al. modeled the UISS, an ontology that describes the immune system activities. The ontology described in [22] includes also aspects to simulate underlying MS pathogenesis and its interaction with the host immune system.

ALS Ontologies

No specific effort has been devised yet to model the progression of the ALS; con- cerning this disease, at the current time, only the care pathway has been modeled ontologically. In [24, 25], Cardoso et al. modeled OntoPaRON, an ontology that focuses on the quality of life and care pathway of ALS patients. We do not aim to model such aspects in our work however, both OntoPaRON and BTO contains a patient class which comprises patient details. Thus it is possible to extend BTO by linking it to OntoPaRON, if the practitioner needs to integrate information about the care pathway.

Other Ontologies

Some efforts have been devoted to modeling multiple neurological diseases at large with the intent of obtaining a general ontology. MHO [26] is one of the most compre- hensive ontologies concerning mental diseases that arise as a consequence of other preexisting conditions, such as the MS. For example, it can be used to model the presence and progression of depressive symptomatology induced by a chronic dis- ease as MS. In terms of differences with respect to BTO, MHO does not model any aspect related to the exams, tests, and the general clinical history of the patients. OntoVIP [27], according to Gibaud Et Al., focuses on modeling and annotating diagnostic and medical images, including those used to diagnose MS or ALS. BTO models imaging aspects marginally, in compliance with its objectives. Nevertheless, if a practitioner needs a more fine-grained level of detail for what concerns diagnostic imaging, BTO could be easily extended by importing OntoVIP. OntoVIP does not model aspects related to the medical history of the patients. Another example is the NDO [18, 19]. According to the Cox Et Al. [18] and Jansen Et Al. [19], NDO provides a set of classes to describe neurological diseases, their symptoms and possible interventions encountered during the clinical practice. Based on such effort, in [20], Jensen et al. adapted the NDO to the modeling of Multiple Sclerosis. Notice that, similarly to MSPD, at the current time the NDO does not respect the FAIR principles, since it is neither Findable nor Accessible, thus also preventing Reusability. In [28] Subirats et al. aimed at modeling several rare diseases, including MS, through an ontology dubbed Holistic Ontology of Rare Diseases (HORD). In such ontology, it is possible to model also information derived from the patients’ social networks.
  • National Cancer Institute Thesaurus (NCIT)[29, 30]: is a public domain thesaurus developed by the National Cancer Institute. Its main objective is to provide practitioners and annotators with a source of codes associated with terminology concepts to annotate documents and ease information retrieval. In [29], Golbeck et Al. state that NCIT is not a full-fledged ontology, as it contains primitive concepts, but it is a “nomenclature with ontologic features”.
  • SMOMED-CT[6] [31, 32, 33]: Systematised NOmenclature of MEDicine Clinical Terms (SNOMED-CT) is an international clinical reference terminology meant to encode clinical data in a standardized, unambiguous and granular manner.
  • ESCO Ontology [34, 35]: The European Skills, Competences, qualifications and Occupations (ESCO) Ontology encodes ontologically the hierarchy of jobs and occupations identified in the ESCO classification. The multilingual ESCO classification was developed by the European Commission to achieve semantic interoperability throughout Europe.
  • ATC Ontology: The Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification (ATC) Ontology is used to represent ontologically the hierarchy of pharmaceutical substances and their dosage as defined in the ATC Classification[36].
  • Ontology of Adverse Events (OAE)[37]: a community-driven ontology developed to standardize and integrate data relating to Adverse Event occurring subsequently to medical interventions. It is meant to support computerassisted reasoning. OAE includes 3,000 terms with unique identifiers.
  • Pollution Ontology[10] [38]: Global City Indicator Pollution Ontology developed by the Enterprise Integration Lab, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto, extends the Foundation Ontology for Global City Indicators to cover the Environment Indicators.
To standardize BTO classes, we annotate them with the Dublin Core Terms [39] annotation property “dc:confromsTo” associating the corresponding Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) concept. UMLS[11] [40]: The United Medical Language System is a repository of biomedical vocabularies developed by the US National Library of Medicine. It has been developed to homogenize names used to express the same concept and disambiguate terminologies. According to Bodenreider, UMLS integrates over 2 million names for some 900 000 concepts from more than 60 families of biomedical vocabularies, as well as 12 million relations among these concepts [40]. Furthermore, clinicians have developed several standards for defining diseases and related health problems, such as International Classification of Diseases, Version 9 - Clinical Modification (ICD9CM)[12] [41], International Classification of Diseases, Version 10 (ICD10)[13] [42], or Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA)[14] [43]. These are international standards well-known in the medical community thus we can expect physicians to provide data using such resources. Integrating UMLS concepts in BTO allow to easily map this type of information into the thesauri we used as a reference. For instance, one can easily map ICD9CM codes into NCIT Unique Resource Identifiers (URIs) using UMLS concepts as a common ground.

Related Medical Theasauri and Ontologies

While not directly linked to ALS, MS, or neurological diseases in general, several other ontologies and thesauri have been used to model medical and clinical aspects and proved essential to the definition, design, and development of BTO, providing the entities (re-)used in BTO. We report here such endeavours.

Methodology back to ToC

Design Principles

In the following, we report how BTO has been designed to meet the Open Biological and Biomedical Ontology Foundry (OBO) and FAIR principles also favoring its adoption in heterogeneous scenarios. The detailed description of each of the OBO principle is available at html.
  • First, the ontology is Open and publicly available. It is possible to find its definition and description at
  • Secondly, the ontology schema is defined according to the OWL 1.2 Common Format
  • The proposed ontology relies on a unique URI/Identifier Space identified by the prefix
  • A description of the Versioning procedure is available as part of the documentation of BTO.
  • The Scope of BTO is clearly defined: the ontology is meant to model the anamnestic and clinical history of patients affected by two neurological diseases, ALS and MS.
  • Following the OBO principles, we associate Textual Definitions to each class of the ontology, to also favour its re-usage in other scenarios.
  • Before defining a new relation, Relations available on the Relations Ontology (RO) have been accurately considered. None of the BTO relations presents the same meaning and could have been replaced with one of the RO – nevertheless, this possibility has been always attentively scrutinized.
  • A detailed Documentation of the ontology is available on its web page.
  • For what concerns Documented Plurality of Users and Commitment To Collaboration, these aspects are intrinsic in the development and usage of the BTO ontology. In fact, BTO has been developed in the context of the BRAINTEASER Project, which includes partners from multiple European countries. The co-design approach used to devise BTO defines its collaborative nature.
  • BTO clearly identifies its Locus of Authority into its developers, who are indicated on the web page of the ontology.
  • BTO follows strict Naming Conventions described below.
  • Finally, the BRAINTEASER consortium is actively working on the Maintenance and update of BTO.

Co-design Approach

To design the BTO, we adopted a co-design approach, strictly collaborating with the medical partners and domain experts, in order to embed their knowledge in the BTO and, at the same time, to validate all the design choices. To this end, we operated in an iterative way, producing several intermediate versions of the ontology, and discussing them with our domain experts. We exploited the iterative process of discussion with the medical partners to make sure that these newly defined concepts correctly described the corresponding real-world concepts and to guarantee the semantic quality of the ontology.

Implementation Principles

To provide consistency in BTO we expressed some basic principles to adopt when defining classes and properties. These guidelines involve external referencing, anno- tation properties, and naming conventions.

External Referencing Whenever we model clinical information, it is preferable to use external ontologies to provide correspondence between largely used medical terminology. Due to its widely diffused adoption and exhaustiveness, our primary taxonomy of choice is NCIT [30], but we also employed other well-known resources when no information is available in NCIT, e.g. SNOMED-CT or ATC. In general, this is common practice when developing ontologies [44]. In fact, by reusing entities and properties already defined in other ontologies, we are not only able to enforce collaboration and data consistency among databases but to guarantee the authori- tativeness of the semantic meaning of these resources. External referencing has been managed with annotation properties and using the URI of the term in the original taxonomy. In general, we used external URIs when we defined named individuals that refer to abstract concepts. On the contrary, when we inserted a new class in BTO we used the Brainteaser namespace and connected references using annotation properties.

Namespaces BTO URIs are divided into two namespaces: the schema namespace and the resource namespace All URIs corresponding to classes, data properties, and object properties belong to the former namespace. At the same time, in the latter, we include all URIs referring to real-world instances of the entities described in BTO at an ontological level. Notice that, in this sense, the resource namespace is empty until the practitioner starts populating it with real-world data. The only instances included in the schema namespace are the named individuals corresponding to Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) con- cepts (as defined in Subsection 3.4). Our choice of including these elements in the schema namespace stems from the fact that, akin to relational modeling controlled dictionaries, these entities do not depend on the data underneath but can be seen as a predefined thesaurus of concepts and are a fundamental part of the environment that we model.

Classes Definition and Annotation Properties All components of the BTO have additional information in the form of annotation properties. We defined a list of essential metadata to add when we introduced a new class. Firstly, all classes must have a label denoting the name and a comment, which provides a brief explana- tion together with its source. If the class had an equivalent in NCIT, we inherited the name and definition. In this case, we also added another annotation property called “rdfs:isDefinedBy with the Internationalized Resource Identifier (IRI) corre- sponding to the NCIT term of reference. Most biomedical vocabularies are mapped in the UMLS with a unique identifier called Concept Unique Identifier (CUI) [40]. For each class that had a UMLS reference, we added the annotation property “dcterms:conformsTo” with the URL of the corresponding concept.

Naming Conventions Regarding object and data properties, we applied a similar approach and defined the needed annotations and naming conventions to provide uniformity throughout BTO. In particular, all components must have a label and a comment. About object properties, we used explanatory labels where we included the property range. In this case, the comment explains the relationship between the two classes involved. Concerning data properties, the label usually includes the name of the domain class so that its meaning is intuitive. We also added a comment with the attribute description and, when available, the definition source. In conclusion, we defined all data properties to achieve consistency when specifying datatypes. For example, all string properties have datatype “rdf:PlainLiteral”. We also used the “note” annotation property in all BTO components for additional remarks or business logic rules.

Usage of the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS)

In ontology design, it is good practice to use external taxonomies [44] – which are not necessarily ontologies – to ensure correspondence with the most common terminology, especially in the medical domain. This is common practice when developing ontologies, in fact by reusing entities and properties already defined in other ontologies, we are not only able to enforce the collaboration and data consistency among database, but to guarantee the authoritativeness of the semantic meaning of these resources. In BTO, external resources have been employed for example to model the diseases affecting a patient, anatomical sites of traumas, and pharmacological substances. The common aspect between these elements is that we are interested in the abstract concept behind the medical term. To avoid classism – the design pattern where an external hierarchy is modeled as a hierarchy of ontological classes – whenever we modeled a classification scheme that used an external taxonomy we employed the SKOS data model. Each component of the referenced ontology has been modeled as a named individual that belongs to two classes, SKOS Concept and the one in BTO. This has two important advantages: i) it allows to save space, by dramatically reducing the number of needed URI ii) it reduces the complexity of the queries. The disadvantage of this approach is that it prevents us from describing the peculiarities of the specific head of the specific patient. Nevertheless, since it is not a requirement of our ontology, we opted for the modeling pattern described above. We employed such a design principle for each class that refers to a set of abstract terms and does not have any data or object property associated. All classes modeled using the SKOS standard and the corresponding taxonomy of reference are reported in the table below.
List of classes in the Brainteaser Ontology modeled using the SKOS data model. For each class we specify its name and the reference taxonomy we use to define the concepts.
ClassReference Taxonomy
Kinship TypeNational Cancer Institute Thesaurus (NCIT)
OccupationOccupations pillar of the ESCO Classification (ESCO)
Group (social concept)SNOMED Clinical Terms (SNOMED-CT)
GeneNational Cancer Institute Thesaurus (NCIT)
Disease, Disorder or FindingsNational Cancer Institute Thesaurus (NCIT)
Surgical Procedure TypeSNOMED Clinical Terms (SNOMED-CT)
Therapeutic Procedure TypeNational Cancer Institute Thesaurus (NCIT)
Anatomic SiteNational Cancer Institute Thesaurus (NCIT)
Pharmacological SubstanceAnatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification
Advesre Drug ReactionOntology of Adverse Events (OAE)
As the main reference thesaurus, we employed NCIT whenever it contained any needed concepts and we used other well-known resources otherwise. We defined new concepts within BTO namespace only if they referred to terms specific to our domain of interest and the corresponding concept was not available anywhere else. To provide a more practical example, assume the practitioner needs to model the fact that a patient suffered from head trauma. We do not need to refer – and thus define a URI for it – to the head of the specific patient, but we only need to associate the individual “trauma” for the patient with a generic individual representing the entity “head”. Notice that, we are forced to instantiate the specific patient’s trauma and assign it a URI: the patient’s trauma has some attributes (such as a date) and might have happened in other places besides the head. Therefore, for all patients affected by head trauma, we create an URI for the specific patient’s trauma, and we link it with the object property “bo:trauma” to the URI of the generic concept of “head” – the same for all head traumas. The concept “head” is defined in BTO with a NCIT URI.

Description of the Brainteaser Ontology back to ToC

The objective of this work was to model BTO, which represents retrospective data about patients affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS) or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). We focused on providing a consistent ontology, where all elements comply with a set of design standards. For this purpose, we established some principles for referencing external taxonomies and we determined a list of annotation properties to add for each component we define. We defined all properties providing uniformity in annotations, labels, and datatypes. In addition, we defined a design structure exploiting the SKOS data model to apply to classes whose individuals are general concepts. BTO integrates every aspect that could be useful in understanding the correlation between the disease progression and each patient’s lifestyle or clinical history. For this reason, we identified eight semantic areas, each denoting a set of classes that refers to a specific aspect of interest for BTO: “Patient” with sections “Genetic Data” and “Activities”, “Events”, “Contingencies”, “Intervention or Procedures” and “Therapeutic Procedures”.

Patient Modeling

BTO is a tool to model each person’s disease progression, with the objective of helping understand its progression. To better contextualize the patient’s clinical history, several pieces of information need to be recorded. In particular, BTO focuses on data about each patient’s lifestyle, clinical events, and clinical family history. Such information is modeled in the “Patient” semantic area, as illustrated in Figure 3.
BRAINTEASER: patient area

Figure 3: Patient semantic area. “Patient” is a subclass of the class Person from FOAF ontology. We directly connect to patient data about genetic mutations, occupation, family history, and residence place. The latter is useful to link environmental information to each patient, which is modeled by importing the “Global City Indicator Environment Ontology” [38].

Patients’ data requirements are equivalent for those affected by MS and ALS. In both cases, Clinicians might need to record personal information, like age and gender, together with clinical family history and possible participation in clinical trials. For each patient, pieces of information about their relatives can be retrieved by using the class “Kinship” which connects patients and relatives with the object properties “:hasKinship” and “:inKinshipWith” respectively. For instance, if we are interested in identifying all patients that have a relative affected by ALS, we look for individuals of type “Patient” that are connected to nodes of type “Kinship”. If the relative participating in this relation has object property “:hasDisease” with range “ALS”, then the patient is retrieved. In this case, the individual “ALS” is a SKOS concept of type “Disease, Disorder or Finding” with IRI from NCIT. In addition, the practitioner might want to store data about whether a patient’s genome presents specific gene mutations linked to the ALS disease. To encompass this, we modeled such information on the “Genetic Data” area. To extract which patients have a gene mutation, we look for each individual of type “Patient” that has object property “:tested” and the range node has data property “:hasMutation” set to “True”. Now, if we also want to return the gene that presented the mutation we connect the already extracted individual of type “Genetic Testing” with the gene using the object property “:onGene”.

Environmental Data

Besides genetic predisposition, lifestyle and environmental factors are shown to affect the risk of MS. Once we acknowledge such correlation, some of these environmental and lifestyle factors can be modified with prevention measures, especially for people at greater risk [45]. On the other hand, identifying environmental factors linked to ALS has proven to be challenging and it still lacks large cohorts. In both cases, understanding the interaction between genetic and environmental factors can be a great resource for integrating precision medicine into ALS or MS care [46]. That is why connecting environmental data to each patient in BTO is a fundamental requirement. These environmental data include pollution information for a given location, recorded by a weather station. To store this piece of information, in BTO the practitioner can record each patient’s birth and residence places using the class “Place”. To model environmental data, we imported Global City Indicator Environment Ontology[38], also known as Pollution ontology, an ontology designed to represent ontologically environmental data registered by weather stations. In par- ticular, we connected a weather station, modeled with the class “Sensing Device” from the above-mentioned ontology, to a location, modeled with the class “Place”, with the object property “:coveredPlace”, to model the fact that a station registers environmental data for a given location. We report how we integrated air pollutants in Figure 4. The concentration of each air pollutant of interest is modeled as a subclass of “Air Pollution Concentration”. Notice that we are interested in storing information about Particulate Matter (PM) 10, PM 2.5, Ozone (O3), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), and Carbon Monoxide (CO) thus we created a class in our namespace for pollutants not represented in the imported ontology, such as CO. Air pollution concentrations are produced by sensing de- vices, thus we connected the classes “Air Pollution Concentration” and “Sensing Device” with the property “ssn:isProducedBy”. The concentration value of each air pollutant is stored using the data property “numerical value”, while the date of the measure is referred to with the object property ":APConcentrationTIme" that links “Air Pollution Concentration” class to class “time:Instant”. All classes, object properties, and data properties mentioned above are imported from the “Global City Indicator Environment Ontology”[38].

BRAINTEASER: environmental area

Figure 4: Environmental data integration using the imported “Global City Indicator Environment Ontology” [38]. We linked the class “Place” with “Sensing Device”, which produces pollution concentration data. Such information is stored using one of the subclasses of “Air Pollution Concentration”, which represents the specific pollutant.

Event Modeling

The clinical history of a patient is not directly connected to the “Patient” class itself, but we assume such data to be registered during a clinical visit where, for instance, the physician fills a form with patient information regarding any relevant clinical event, physical activities, habits, or any arisen clinical condition communicated by the patient to the clinician during the visit. For this reason, we modeled the “Event” semantic area as follows. We specified four subclasses of the class “Event”, each with its specific data prop- erties. The possible event types are: i) the “Before Onset” event, describing as a cumulative event, everything that happened before the onset of the symptoms and for which there are no specific temporal details; ii) the “Onset”, describing the event when a patient experimented the symptoms for the first time; iii) the Diagnosis event, describing the event and exams carried out when the patient was diagnosed with the disease; iv) a “Protocol Event”, representing any possible occurrence happened after the diagnosis. A visual depiction of the modeling approach is reported in Figure 5.
BRAINTEASER: event area

Figure 5: Event semantic area. Each patient is connected to clinical history and lifestyle information through the class Event. In fact, using such nodes physicians can store data about habits, past traumas, any clinical event (class “Condition”), coexisting medical conditions (called “comorbidities”), or pregnancies and MS patients’ relapses.

In BTO, practitioners can model information about physical activities, smoking habits, and other lifestyle information concerning the patient, by instantiating an individual of type “Activity” or any of its subclasses: “Physical Activity”, “Smoking”, and “Lifestyle”. For instance, assume the practitioner needs to model the fact that, during a check-up, the patient shared information about smoking 10 cigarettes a day. A new individual of type “Protocol Event” is instantiated to record all the details about the check-up. After that, an individual of type “Smoking” is instantiated and is connected to the event related to the checkup with object property “:hasRegisteredActivity”. Then the frequency information is stored using the data property “:dailyCigarettes” of the smoking node just created. Additional information, such as tests carried out or prescriptions provided during the check-up, will be linked to the “Protocol Event” instance defined above. Regarding clinical history, during an event, the clinician can register past traumas, coexisting medical conditions, pregnancies, and relapses – in the case of MS patients. These pieces of information constitute the “Contingencies” area, where the class “Condition” is linked to “Disease, Disorder or Finding” by the object property “:hasRegisteredCondition”. For instance, if the clinician wants to model the fact that a patient had the flu, they instantiate an individual of type “Condition” and add a triple stating that, during the considered event, a condition determined by the disease “Flu” was recorded.

Disease, Disorder or Finding Taxonomy

The class “Disease, Disorder or Finding” includes diseases, like carcinoma or chickenpox infection, but also injuries, symptoms, and findings. This allows modeling and storing in a KB any sort of clinical event that occurred to a patient, even if it is not directly linked to ALS or MS. We modeled this class following the SKOS data model, using NCIT as reference taxonomy, with a few additions from SNOMED-CT thesaurus. As illustrated in Figure 5, we modeled past traumas with the class “Trauma”. However, some injuries have also been made available in the “Disease, Disorder or Finding” taxonomy. As a general rule, we use the taxonomy whenever the trauma is specific (e.g., “Open Dislocation of the Shoulder”). On the other hand, if the clinician knows only that a patient suffered from generic trauma to the shoulder, we instantiate an individual of type “Trauma” and connect it to its Anatomic Site (e.g., “shoulder”) with the property “:anatomicalLocation”. Notice that, thanks to SKOS characteristics, specific traumas (e.g., “open dislocation of the shoulder”) are in relation “:hasBroaderTransitive” with the general concept “injury”. We follow a similar line of thought to deal with symptoms. In this case, we use the taxonomy to model cases where the practitioner needs to store information about general symptoms (e.g., headache, fever). A particular group of symptoms that required deeper modeling granularity is the one that constitutes the onset of the disease (either ALS or MS). Given the high relevance that such symptoms have on the course of the disease, they have not been modeled using the symptoms taxonomy but as data properties of the class “Onset”.

Intervention Modeling

According to the proposed modeling paradigm, an event might include one or more interventions – for example, a visit might include multiple exams and multiple pre- scriptions of therapeutic substances. Therefore the “Intervention or Procedures” semantic area comprises surgical procedures, diagnostic tests, and therapeutic treat- ments. Figure 6 illustrates the main classes and properties involved in this semantic area. “Intervention or procedure” has three subclasses – “Surgical Procedure”, “Diagnostic Procedure” and “Therapeutic Procedure” – each denoting different operations.
BRAINTEASER: intervention area

Figure 6: “Intervention or Procedures” area. We distinguish between surgical procedures, diagnostic procedures, and therapeutic procedures. Both surgical and therapeutic interventions are the same for MS and ALS patients while diagnostic procedures can differ based on the disease.

"Surgical Procedures” includes all treatments that involve surgery. Since different surgery procedures might vary widely, in BTO we define the class “Surgery Procedure Type” to represent different surgery types. This class is modeled following the SKOS standard and using the SNOMED-CT taxonomy as a reference. Furthermore, we linked the “Surgical Procedure” class to “Anatomic Site” to allow clinicians to store information about which body region was affected by the surgery. In this way, one can both instantiate the surgery type or the anatomical location based on the information available or the need of the developed application. Diagnostic procedures differ based on MS or ALS patients. For instance, MS patients can take an Evoked Potentials test or a CSF analysis and their level of disability can be monitored over time using the EDSS. On the contrary, ALS patients are tested on their pulmonary function and the disease progression can be assessed using the Revised Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale (ALSFRS-R), the King’s clinical staging method (KINGS), or the Milano-Torino functional staging system (MiToS). Diagnostic intervention information can be a great reason for assessing the disease progression of each patient. For example, with BTO we can return the number of patients having an EDSS score in between some ranges, which can be an indicator of impairment severity in patients affected by MS. One peculiarity is that hematology test components have been modeled as a class called “Laboratory Test Result” where the clinician can specify the component name, the measured level, its unit of measure, and whether the result was normal. We also included a data property called “:positivyResult” to express the presence or absence of specific blood components (e.g., antibodies). We identified a specific semantic field for “Therapeutic Procedures” which comprises any treatment and the administration of any pharmacologic substance. In a single therapeutic treatment, the clinician could administrate multiple phar- macologic substances in different time periods. For this reason, we modeled this area by introducing the class “Therapeutic Treatment”, which is the core of the semantic area as illustrated by Figure 7 .
BRAINTEASER: therapeutic procedures area

Figure 7: “Therapeutic Procedures” area. The core of the area is the “Therapeutic Treatment” class, where one can store information about drug administrations and its specific aspects, such as dose, frequency and end treatment. In particular, we modeled the “End Therapy Reason” as a class so that we can link possible causes, such as adverse events and pregnancy.

With this class, we modeled both drug administrations and other therapeutic treatments like Non-Invasive mechanical Ven- tilation (NIV). We used the class “Therapeutic Procedure Type” to specify the pharmacologic substance category or the type of therapy, if not pharmacological. For instance, if clinicians want to record information about a patient requiring NIV one can create a new node of type “Therapeutic Treatment” with object property “:therapyType” and range “NIV”. With this model, practitioners can store information about the administration specifics like dose and frequency and they can also insert data about the reason for the interruption of treatment. In such case, we connected the class “End Therapy Treatment” to the class “Adverse Drug Reaction” and “Pregnancy”. Concerning Therapeutic treatments, we modeled as SKOS hierarchies Adverse Drug reactions using OAE Ontology, Pharmacological Substances using the ATC Ontology, and the Therapeutic Procedure Types, relying on NCIT.

Cross-reference for The Brainteaser Ontology classes, object properties and data properties back to ToC

This section provides details for each class and property defined by The Brainteaser Ontology.


Activityc back to ToC or Class ToC


An active process; excludes processes and mechanisms which fulfill biological functions. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has sub-classes
Lifestyle c, Physical Activity c, Smoking c, Wearable Data Measurement c
is in domain of
activityEndYear dp, activityStartYear dp, privacyPreservingDate dp, relativeEndDate dp, relativeStartDate dp
is in range of
hasRegisteredActivity op

Administrationc back to ToC or Class ToC


The act of the dispensing, applying, or tendering of something to another, such as administration of a medicine. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
is in domain of
administrationDose dp, administrationFrequency dp, administrationRoute dp, administrationUoM dp
is in range of
administration op

Adverse Drug Reactionc back to ToC or Class ToC


Any detrimental or unintended response associated with the use of a medication in humans. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
is in range of
adverseReaction op
has members
Administration of Ineffective Drug ni, Adverse Drug Event ni, Drug Hypersensitivity AE ni, Drug Intolerance AE ni

Air pollutionc back to ToC or Class ToC


The different types of air pollution that are represented in the ISO37120 Environment Indicators.
has super-classes
Pollution c
has sub-classes
G H Gs c, N O2 c, O3 c, P M c, S O2 c

ALS Brainteaser Comorbiditiesc back to ToC or Class ToC


Comorbidities checked for ALS patient in the BRAINTEASER study.
has super-classes
Use-Case Comorbidities c
is in domain of
autoimmuneDisease dp, cardiacDisease dp, diabetes dp, dyslipidemia dp, hypertension dp, primaryNeoplasm dp, stroke dp, thyroidDisorder dp

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale (ALSFRS)c back to ToC or Class ToC


The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale (ALSFRS) is an instrument for evaluating the functional status of patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. It can be used to monitor functional change in a patient over time. [Definition Source: Georgetown University Hospital - Medstar Health]
has super-classes
Questionnaire c
is in domain of
alsfrs1 dp, alsfrs10 dp, alsfrs11 dp, alsfrs12 dp, alsfrs2 dp, alsfrs3 dp, alsfrs4 dp, alsfrs5 dp, alsfrs6 dp, alsfrs7 dp, alsfrs8 dp, alsfrs9 dp, alsfrsOriginal10 dp, bulbarSubscore dp, motorSubscore dp, originalALSFRS dp, respiratorySubscore dp, revisedALSFRS dp

Anatomic Sitec back to ToC or Class ToC


Named locations of or within the body. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
is in range of
anatomicalLocation op
has members
Abdomen ni, Bone Marrow ni, Brain ni, Brain Stem ni, Cerebellum ni, Cervical Spinal Cord ni, Cervical Spine ni, Eye ni, Head ni, L4-L5 Intervertebral Space ni, Limb ni, Lower Extremity ni, Lumbar Spine ni, Lumbosacral Region ni, Neck ni, Pelvis ni, Sphincter ni, Spinal Cord ni, Supratentorial Brain ni, Thoracic Spinal Cord ni, Thoracic Spine ni, Thorax ni, Upper Extremity ni, Vertebral Column ni

Atmospheric Pressurec back to ToC or Class ToC


The pressure at any point in an atmosphere due solely to the weight of the atmospheric gases bove the point concerned. [Definition Source: MSH]
has super-classes
Weather Data c
has sub-classes
Daily Average Sea Level Pressure c

Awaji Clinical Evaluationc back to ToC or Class ToC


Diagnostic assessment of ALS following the Awaji reccomendations (
has super-classes
Diagnostic Procedure c
is in domain of
awajiClinicalLMNBulbar dp, awajiClinicalLMNCervical dp, awajiClinicalLMNLumboSacral dp, awajiClinicalLMNThoracic dp, awajiClinicalUMNBulbar dp, awajiClinicalUMNCervical dp, awajiClinicalUMNLumboSacral dp, awajiDiagnosisCriteria dp, awajiEMGLMNBulbar dp, awajiEMGLMNCervical dp, awajiEMGLMNLumboSacral dp, awajiEMGLMNThoracic dp

Before Onsetc back to ToC or Class ToC


Any event that happened to a patient before the onset.
has super-classes
Event c
has sub-classes
Last 5 Years Event c, More Than 5 Years Event c
is in domain of
hadMajorTrauma dp, hadSurgicalIntervention dp, onsetElapsedTime dp

Benzene concentrationc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Air pollution concentration c

Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised c back to ToC or Class ToC


The BVMT-R measures Visuospatial Memory for Patients with Head Trauma, LD, Psychiatric Disorder, and Mixed Diagnoses. [Source:,to%20document%20changes%20over%20time.]
has super-classes
Cognitive Assessment c
is in domain of
bmvtrTotal dp, bvmtrTrial1 dp, bvmtrTrial2 dp, bvmtrTrial3 dp

C H4c back to ToC or Class ToC


Methane gas
has super-classes
G H Gs c

C H4 concentrationc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
G H Gs concentration c

C O2c back to ToC or Class ToC


Carbon dioxide
has super-classes
G H Gs c

C O2 concentrationc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
G H Gs concentration c

California Verbal Learning Test - Second Editionc back to ToC or Class ToC


The second version of California Verbal Learning Test, a neuropsychological test developed to make a comprehensive and detailed assessment of verbal learning and memory in individuals ranging in age from 16 to 89 years. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Cognitive Assessment c
is in domain of
cvltIITotalCorrect dp, cvltIITotalInterferences dp, cvltIITotalPerseverations dp, cvltIITrial1Correct dp, cvltIITrial1Interferences dp, cvltIITrial1Perseverations dp, cvltIITrial2Correct dp, cvltIITrial2Interferences dp, cvltIITrial2Perseverations dp, cvltIITrial3Correct dp, cvltIITrial3Interferences dp, cvltIITrial3Perseverations dp, cvltIITrial4Correct dp, cvltIITrial4Interferences dp, cvltIITrial4Perseverations dp, cvltIITrial5Correct dp, cvltIITrial5Interferences dp, cvltIITrial5Perseverations dp

Carbon Monoxide concentrationc back to ToC or Class ToC


The determination of the amount of carbon monoxide present in a sample. [Definition Source: NCI]
has super-classes
Air pollution concentration c

Clinical Evaluationc back to ToC or Class ToC


An assessment of an individual's physical, mental, or emotional condition; information can be gathered from multiple sources, including physical exam, personal interview and observation, medical history, laboratory and imaging tests. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Diagnostic Procedure c
is in domain of
anatomicalLocation op, bodyMassIndex dp, height dp, homeWalkingStatus dp, moreThan10PercentWeightloss dp, multipleSclerosisType dp, outsideWalkingStatus dp, predominantLimbsImpairment dp, predominantLimbsSide dp, predominantMotorNeuron dp, weight dp

Clinical Trialc back to ToC or Class ToC


A research study that prospectively assigns human participants or groups of humans to one or more health-related interventions to evaluate the effects on health outcomes. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
is in domain of
clinicalTrialDescription dp, conductedInClinic op, isAboutDisease op
is in range of
inClinicalTrial op

Clinical Trial Participationc back to ToC or Class ToC


The participation in a clinical trial
Is defined by
is in domain of
endReason dp, inClinicalTrial op, participationEnd dp, participationStart dp
is in range of
enrolledIn op

Clinics and Hospitalsc back to ToC or Class ToC


Institutions with an organized medical staff for the medical care, treatment, and cure of the sick and wounded, for the study of disease, and for the training of physicians, nurses, and allied health personnel. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
is in range of
conductedInClinic op
has members
Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón ni, Institute of Molecular Medicine Joao Lobo Antunes ni, Mondino Foundation ni, University of Padua ni, University of Turin ni

Cognitive Assessmentc back to ToC or Class ToC


The examination of the cognitive capacities or deficits of an individual through the application of tests that probe that individual's ability to perform various mental activities such as perception, learning, and reasoning. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Diagnostic Procedure c
has sub-classes
Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised c, California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition c, Edinburgh Cognitive and Behavioural ALS Screen c, Symbol Digit Modalities Functional Test c

Collectionc back to ToC or Class ToC


A meaningful collection of concepts.
Is defined by
has sub-classes
Ordered Collection c
is in domain of
has member op
is in range of
has member op
is disjoint with
Concept c, Concept Scheme c

Comorbidityc back to ToC or Class ToC


The coexistence of two or more disease processes. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Condition c
has sub-classes
Use-Case Comorbidities c
is in domain of
comorbiditySeverity dp, comorbidityTreatment dp, determinedBy op

Compound Unitc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Unit of Measure c
has sub-classes
Unit division c

Conceptc back to ToC or Class ToC


An idea or notion; a unit of thought.
Is defined by
is in domain of
is in semantic relation with op, is top concept in scheme op
is in range of
has member op, has top concept op, is in semantic relation with op
has members
ACE Inhibitors, Plain ni, AR Gene ni, Abdomen ni, Abdominal Pain ni, Abdominoplasty ni, Acetylcarnitine ni, Acetylsalicylic Acid ni, Acetylsalicylic Acid, Combinations excl. Psycholeptics ni, Aciclovir ni, Acquired Hypothyroidism ni, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) ni, Acute Cystitis ni, Acute Myeloid Leukemia ni, Acute Myocardial Infarction ni, Acute Pyelonephritis ni, Acute Respiratory Failure ni, Acute Tonsillitis ni, Ademetionine ni, Adenocarcinoma ni, Administration of Ineffective Drug ni, Administrative and commercial managers ni, Adverse Drug Event ni, Agents Acting on the Renin-Angiotensin System ni, Ageusia ni, Agricultural, forestry and fishery labourers ni, Alanine Aminotransferase Increased ni, Alcohol Dependance ni, Alectinib ni, Alemtuzumab ni, Alfuzosin ni, Alimentary Tract and Metabolism ni, All Other Non-Therapeutic Products ni, All Other Therapeutic Products ni, Allergens ni, Allergic Asthma ni, Allergic Rhinitis ni, Alpha-Lipoic Acid ni, Alprazolam ni, Alzheimer's Disease ni, Amantadine ni, Ambrisentan ni, Amenorrhea ni, Amenorrhea due to Pituitary Dysfunction ni, Amiodarone ni, Amitriptyline ni, Amitriptyline and Psycholeptics ni, Amlodipine ni, Amoxicillin and Beta-Lactamase Inhibitor ni, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis ni, Anabolic Agents for Systemic Use ni, Analgesics ni, Anemia ni, Anesthetics ni, Angioedema ni, Ankle Fracture ni, Ann Arbor Stage IV Mantle Cell Lymphoma ni, Ann Arbor Stage IV T-Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma ni, Anorectal Fistula ni, Anorexia ni, Anosmia ni, Anthelmintics ni, Anti-Acne Preparations ni, Anti-Parkinson Drugs ni, Antianemic Preparations ni, Antibacterials for Systemic Use ni, Antibiotics and Chemotherapeutics for Dermatological Use ni, Anticonvulsant Agent ni, Antidepressants ni, Antidiarrheals, Intestinal Antiinflammatory/Antiinfective Agents ni, Antiemetics and Antinauseants ni, Antiepileptics ni, Antifungals for Dermatological Use ni, Antigout Preparations ni, Antihemorrhagics ni, Antihistamines for Systemic Use ni, Antihypertensives ni, Antiinfectives for Systemic Use ni, Antiinflammatory and Antirheumatic Products ni, Antiinflammatory and Antirheumatic Products, Non-Steroids ni, Antimycobacterials ni, Antimycotics for Systemic Use ni, Antineoplastic Agents ni, Antineoplastic and Immunomodulating Agents ni, Antiobesity Preparations, excl. Diet Products ni, Antiparastic Products, Insecticides and Repllents ni, Antiprotozoals ni, Antipruritics, incl. Antihistamines, Anesthetics, etc. ni, Antipsoriatics ni, Antispetic and Disinfectants ni, Antithrombotic Agents ni, Antivirals for Systemic Use ni, Anxiety Disorder ni, Anxiolytics ni, Apixaban ni, Appendectomy ni, Appetite Stimulants ni, Aripiprazole ni, Armed forces occupations ni, Armed forces occupations, other ranks ni, Arrhythmia ni, Arthritis ni, Asian (ethnic group) ni, Aspiration Pneumonitis ni, Assemblers ni, Asthma ni, Atenolol ni, Atenolol and Other Diuretics ni, Atopic Dermatitis ni, Atrial Fibrillation ni, Atrial Flutter ni, Atrovastatin ni, Aunt ni, Autoimmune Disease ni, Autoimmune Nervous System Disorder ni, Autoimmune Pancytopenia ni, Azathioprine ni, B-Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma ni, BCG Vaccine ni, BG-12 ni, Baclofen ni, Bacterial Pneumonia ni, Baker Cyst ni, Barbexaclone ni, Barnidipine ni, Basal Cell Carcinoma ni, Behavioral Impairment ni, Bell's Palsy ni, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ni, Beta Blocking Agents ni, Betahistine ni, Betamethasone ni, Bile Therapy ni, Bile and Liver Therapy Drugs ni, Biotin ni, Bipolar Disorder ni, Bisoprolol ni, Black (ethnic group) ni, Black African ni, Blepharitits ni, Blepharospasm ni, Blood Substitutes and Perfusion Solutions ni, Blood and Blood Forming Organs ni, Bone Marrow ni, Botulinum Toxin ni, Bowel Obstruction ni, Bradycardia ni, Brain ni, Brain Stem ni, Breast Carcinoma ni, Breast Ductal Carcinoma ni, Bromazepam ni, Brother ni, Brotizolam ni, Brown-Sequard Syndrome ni, Building and related trades workers, excluding electricians ni, Business and administration associate professionals ni, Business and administration professionals ni, C9orf72 Gene ni, COVID-19 Infection ni, Cabergoline ni, Calcifediol ni, Calcium Channel Blockers ni, Calcium Folinate ni, Calcium Homeostasis ni, Calcium, Combinations with Vitamin D and/or Other Drugs ni, Candesartan and Diuretics ni, Cannabidiol ni, Cannabinoids ni, Carbamazepine ni, Carcinoma ni, Cardiac Therapy ni, Cardiovascular Disorder ni, Cardiovascular System ni, Cardioversion ni, Caucasian ni, Cavernous Hemangioma ni, Ceftriaxone ni, Celiac Disease ni, Central Nervous System Degenerative Disorder ni, Cerebellum ni, Cervical Carcinoma ni, Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Grade 2/3 ni, Cervical Spinal Cord ni, Cervical Spine ni, Cetirizine ni, Chalazion ni, Chicken Pox ni, Chief executives, senior officials and legislators ni, Chlorphenamine ni, Cholecystectomy ni, Cholelithiasis ni, Chronic Atropic Gastritis ni, Chronic Lung Disorder ni, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ni, Cinnarizine ni, Cinnarizine, Combinations ni, Citalopram ni, Cladribine ni, Cladribine ni, Cleaners and helpers ni, Cleft Palate ni, Clerical support workers ni, Clobazam ni, Clonazepam ni, Clopidogrel ni, Closed Dislocation of Shoulder ni, Closed Fracture of Rib ni, Closed Fracture of Tibia ni, Codeine, Combinations excl. Psycholeptics ni, Cognitive Impariment ni, Cold Sore ni, Colecalciferol ni, Colon Adenocarcinoma ni, Colon Dysplasia ni, Colorectal Carcinoma ni, Commissioned armed forces officers ni, Common Bile Duct Stone ni, Cone Biopsy ni, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia ni, Conization ni, Contrast Media ni, Coronary Artery Bypass Graft ni, Corticosteroids for Systemic Use ni, Corticosteroids, Dermatological Preparations ni, Corticotropin ni, Cortisone Therapy for Relapse ni, Cough and Cold Preparations ni, Cousin ni, Covid-19 Vaccines ni, Craft and related trades workers ni, Cranial Nerve VII Palsy ni, Customer services clerks ni, Cutaneous Melanoma ni, Cyanocobalamin ni, Cyclophosphamide ni, Cyst ni, DCTN1 Gene ni, Dabigatran Etexilate ni, Daclizumab ni, Dantrolene ni, Daughter ni, Deep Vein Thrombosis ni, Deflazacort ni, Dementia ni, Denosumab ni, Depression ni, Dermatologicals ni, Desogestrel ni, Desogestrel and Ethinylestradiol ni, Desvenlafaxine ni, Dexamethasone ni, Diabetes Mellitus ni, Diabetic Ketoacidosis ni, Diagnostic Agents ni, Diagnostic Radiopharmaceuticals ni, Diazepam ni, Dienogest and Estradiol ni, Dietary Supplement ni, Digestives, incl. Enzymes ni, Dimethyl Fumarate ni, Diphtheria Vaccines ni, Discectomy ni, Disease or Disorder ni, Diuretics ni, Dog Bite ni, Domperidone ni, Drainage of Bartholin's Abscess ni, Drivers and mobile plant operators ni, Drospirenone and Ethinylestradiol ni, Drug Hypersensitivity AE ni, Drug Hypersensitivity Syndrome ni, Drug Intolerance AE ni, Drugs Used in Diabetes ni, Drugs for Acid Related Disorders ni, Drugs for Bile Therapy and Lipotropics in Combination ni, Drugs for Constipation ni, Drugs for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders ni, Drugs for MS Symptomatic Therapy ni, Drugs for MS Therapy Side Effects ni, Drugs for Obstructive Airway Diseases ni, Drugs for Other Diseases ni, Drugs for Treatment of Bone Diseases ni, Duloxetine ni, Dustasteride ni, Dyslipidemia ni, Ectoparasiticides, incl. Scabicides, Insecticides and Repellents ni, Ecunerv ni, Eczema ni, Electrical and electronic trades workers ni, Elementary occupations ni, Emergency Tracheostomy ni, Emollients and Protectives ni, Enalapril ni, Endocrine Therapy ni, Endometriosis ni, Epidermal Inclusion Cyst ni, Escitalopram ni, Esomeprazole ni, Essential Hypertension ni, Etizolam ni, Etonogestrel ni, Etoricoxib ni, Excision of Basal Cell Carcinoma ni, Excision of Benign Neoplasm ni, Excision of Cyst ni, Excision of Neoplasm ni, Excision of dermatofibroma ni, Extrapyramidal Disorder ni, Eye ni, Ezetimibe ni, FUS Gene ni, Fampridine ni, Father ni, Favism ni, Female Reproductive System Disorder ni, Femur Fracture ni, Fever Chills ni, Fibroma ni, Fibromyalgia ni, Finding ni, Fingolimod ni, First Cousin ni, First Degree Relative ni, Flu-Like Symptoms ni, Flunarizine ni, Fluoxetine ni, Flurazepam ni, Fluticasone ni, Food preparation assistants ni, Food processing, wood working, garment and other craft and related trades workers ni, Formoterol and Budesonide ni, Frontotemporal Dementia ni, Fungal Infection ni, Furosemide ni, Gabapentin ni, Gastritis ni, Gastroenteritits ni, Gastroesophageal Reflux ni, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease ni, Gastroplasty ni, Gastryc Bypass ni, General Nutrients ni, General and keyboard clerks ni, Generalized Epilepsy ni, Genito Urinary System and Sex Hormones ni, Glatiramer Acetate ni, Glaucoma ni, Gliclazide ni, Glimepiride ni, Glucocorticoids, Systemic ni, Granddaughter ni, Grandfather ni, Grandmother ni, Grandson ni, Gynecological Antiinfectives and Antiseptics ni, HMG CoA Reductase Inhibitors ni, Handicraft and printing workers ni, Hashimoto Thyroiditis ni, Head ni, Head Trauma ni, Head and Neck Approaches ni, Head and Neck Finding ni, Head and Neck Surgery ni, Headache ni, Health associate professionals ni, Health professionals ni, Heart Disorder ni, Heart Failure ni, Hematoma ni, Hepatic Toxicity ni, Hepatitis ni, Hepatitis A Infection ni, Hepatitis B, Purified Antigen ni, Hepatitis C Infection ni, Hereditary Factor XI Deficiency ni, Hereditary Hemolytic Anemia ni, Hernia ni, Herpes Simplex Keratitis ni, Herpes Simplex Virus Infection ni, Herpes Zoster ni, High Grade Cervical Squamous Intraepithelial Neoplasia ni, Hip Osteoarthritis ni, Hispanic ni, Hospitality, retail and other services managers ni, Hydrochlorothiazide ni, Hydrocortisone ni, Hydrocortisone ni, Hydroxychloroquine ni, Hypercholesterolemia ni, Hyperhomocysteinemia ni, Hypersensitivity ni, Hypertension ni, Hypertensive Crisis ni, Hyperthyroidism ni, Hypertriglyceridaemia ni, Hypertrophy ni, Hypnotics and Sedatives ni, Hypothyroidism ni, Hysterectomy ni, Ibuprofen ni, Ichthyosis ni, Immune Sera and Immunoglobulins ni, Immunoactive Drugs ni, Immunoglobulins, Normal Human, for Intravascular Adm. ni, Immunostimulants ni, Immunosuppressants ni, Indometacin ni, Infectious Mononucleosis ni, Information and communications technicians ni, Information and communications technology professionals ni, Inguinal Hernia ni, Injury ni, Insertion of Implantable Intrathecal Access System ni, Insomnia ni, Insulin Glargine ni, Insulin Lispro ni, Insulins and Analogues ni, Interferon Beta Natural ni, Interferon Beta-1a ni, Interferon Beta-1b ni, Interstitial Pneumonia ni, Intervertebral Disc Prolapse ni, Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction ni, Intraepithelial Neoplasia ni, Iridocyclitis ni, Iron-Deficiency Anemia ni, Keratoconus ni, Ketorolac ni, Kidney Carcinoma ni, Klippel-Feil Syndrome ni, Knee Injury ni, L4-L5 Intervertebral Space ni, Labourers in mining, construction, manufacturing and transport ni, Lactulose ni, Laminectomy ni, Lamotrigine ni, Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis ni, Legal, social and cultural professionals ni, Legal, social, cultural and related associate professionals ni, Lercanidipine ni, Leukoaraiosis ni, Leukopenia ni, Levetiracetam ni, Levocetirizine ni, Levodopa and Decarboxylase Inhibitor ni, Levothyroxine Sodium ni, Limb ni, Lipid Modifying Agents ni, Liver Therapy, Lipotropics ni, Long QT Syndrome ni, Lorazepam ni, Losartan ni, Lower Extremity ni, Lumbar Hernia ni, Lumbar Puncture Headache ni, Lumbar Spinal Fusion ni, Lumbar Spine ni, Lumbosacral Region ni, Lymphopenia ni, MTHFR Gene Mutation ni, Macular Degeneration ni, Malgradate ni, Malignant Colon Neoplasm ni, Malignant Neoplasm ni, Malignant Skin Neoplasm ni, Malignant Thyroid Gland Neoplasm ni, Managers ni, Market-oriented skilled agricultural workers ni, Market-oriented skilled forestry, fishery and hunting workers ni, Maternal Aunt ni, Maternal Uncle ni, Medicated Dressings ni, Melanocytic Nevus ni, Melatonin ni, Menopausal Symptom ni, Mesalazine ni, Metal, machinery and related trades workers ni, Metformin ni, Methotrexate ni, Methotrexate ni, Methylprednisolone ni, Migraine ni, Migraine With Aura ni, Mineral Supplements ni, Mitoxantrone ni, Mitrazapine ni, Modafinil ni, Molluscum Contagiosum Virus ni, Monoclonal B_Cell Lymphocytosis ni, Monoclonal Gammopathy ni, Montelukast ni, Mood Disorder ni, Mother ni, Motor Neuron Disease ni, Multiple Sclerosis ni, Mumps ni, Muscle Relaxants ni, Musculo-Skeletal System ni, Myasthenia Gravis ni, Myeloproliferative Neoplasm ni, Myocardial Infarction ni, Naltrexone ni, Nasal Preparations ni, Natalizumab ni, Nebivolol ni, Neck ni, Neck Trauma ni, Neonatal Hearing Impairment ni, Neoplasm ni, Nephew ni, Nervous System ni, Nervous System Disorder ni, Neurofibromatosis ni, Neutropenic Disorder ni, Nicergoline ni, Niece ni, Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma ni, Non-Invasive Mechanical Ventilation (NIV) ni, Non-Neoplastic Central Nervous System Disorder ni, Non-commissioned armed forces officers ni, Numerical and material recording clerks ni, OPTN Gene ni, Obesity ni, Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome ni, Ocrelizumab ni, Ofatumumab ni, Olanzapine ni, Olmesartan Medoxomil ni, Olmesartan Medoxomil and Amlodipine ni, Omeprazole ni, Operation on Abdominal Region ni, Operative Procedure on Lumbosacral Spinal Structure ni, Operative Procedure on Thoracic Spinal Structure ni, Operative Procedure on Upper Extremity ni, Ophthalmologicals ni, Ophthalmologicals and Otologicals Products ni, Opioid Use Disorder ni, Optic Neuritis ni, Osteoporosis ni, Other Alimentary Tract and Metabolism ni, Other Dermatological Preparations ni, Other Drugs for Disorders of the Musculo-Skeletal System ni, Other Gynecologicals ni, Other Hematological Agents ni, Other Nervous System Drugs ni, Other Respiratory System Products ni, Other Vaccines ni, Other clerical support workers ni, Otologicals ni, Oxcarbazepine ni, Oxybutynin ni, Ozanimod ni, Paliperidone ni, Palmar Fibromatosis ni, Pancreatic Hormones ni, Pancytopenia ni, Panic Disorder ni, Pantoprazole ni, Paracetamol ni, Parkinson's Disease ni, Paroxetine ni, Partial Cystectomy ni, Paternal Aunt ni, Paternal Uncle ni, Peginterferon Alfa-2b ni, Peginterferon Beta-1a ni, Pelvis ni, Penicillin Allergy ni, Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) ni, Perindopril and Amlodipine ni, Peripheral Vasodilators ni, Personal care workers ni, Personal service workers ni, Personality Disorder ni, Phenobarbital ni, Phenytoin ni, Pituitary Neuroendocrine Tumor ni, Pituitary and Hypothalamic Hormones and Analogues ni, Pityriasis Rosea ni, Plant and machine operators and assemblers ni, Plasmapheresis ni, Pleural Effusion ni, Pneumococcal Pneumonia ni, Pneumonia ni, Pneumonia Caused By SARS-CoV-2 ni, Poliomyelitis, Trivalent, Inactivated, Whole Virus ni, Post-Herpetic Neuralgia ni, Pramipexole ni, Prasugrel ni, Prazepam ni, Prednisolone ni, Prednisone ni, Pregabalin ni, Preparations for Treatment of Wounds and Ulcers ni, Primary Lateral Sclerosis ni, Primary Neoplasm ni, Primary Progressive Aphasia ni, Procedure on Pelvic Region of Trunk ni, Production and specialised services managers ni, Professionals ni, Progestogens and Estrogens Systemic Contraceptives, Sequential Preparations ni, Proglumide ni, Progressive Bulbar Palsy ni, Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy ni, Progressive Muscular Atrophy ni, Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disc ni, Propanolol ni, Protective services workers ni, Proteinuria ni, Psoriasis ni, Psoriatic Arthritis ni, Psychiatric Disorder ni, Psychoanaleptics ni, Psycholeptics ni, Psychosis ni, Pulmonary Embolism ni, Pulmonary Insufficiency ni, Pulmonary Sarcoidosis ni, Pulmonary Thromboembolism ni, Quetiapine ni, Radius Fracture ni, Ramipril ni, Reboxetine ni, Recurrent Acute Myeloid Leukemia ni, Refuse workers and other elementary workers ni, Removal of Acoustic Neuroma ni, Renal Colic ni, Repaglinide ni, Repair of Bladder ni, Repair of Knee Cruciate Ligaments ni, Replacement of Aortic Valve ni, Respiratory System ni, Retinal Detachment ni, Rheumatoid Arthritis ni, Rheumatologic Disorder ni, Rhinoseptoplasty ni, Rifampicin ni, Riluzole ni, Rituximab ni, Rivaroxaban ni, Rivastigmine ni, Ropinirole ni, Rosuvastatin ni, SOD1 Gene ni, SQSTM1 Gene ni, Salbutamol ni, Sales workers ni, Salpingectomy ni, Sarcoidosis ni, Scarlet Fever ni, Sciatica ni, Science and engineering associate professionals ni, Science and engineering professionals ni, Second Degree Relative ni, Secukinumab ni, Seizure Disorder ni, Semaglutide ni, Sensory Organs ni, Septicemia ni, Serositis ni, Sertraline ni, Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase, CTCAE ni, Service and sales workers ni, Sex Hormones and Modulators of the Genital System ni, Shoulder Dislocation ni, Sign ni, Sign or Symptom ni, Sildenafil ni, Simvastatin ni, Sinusitis ni, Siponimod ni, Sister ni, Sitagliptin ni, Sjogren Syndrome ni, Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers ni, Skin Basal Cell Carcinoma ni, Skin Basosquamous Cell Carcinoma ni, Skin Carcinoma ni, Skin Cyst ni, Son ni, Sphincter ni, Spina Bifida ni, Spinal Cord ni, Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy, X-linked 1 ni, Staphylococcal Infection ni, Stationary plant and machine operators ni, Stomatological Preparations ni, Street and related sales and service workers ni, Stroke ni, Subdural Hematoma ni, Subsistence farmers, fishers, hunters and gatherers ni, Sulfasalazine ni, Sumatriptan ni, Supratentorial Brain ni, Surgical Dressings ni, Surgical Procedure on Cervical Spine ni, Surgical Procedure on Lower Extremity ni, Surgical Procedure on Thorax ni, Symptom ni, Syncope ni, Systemic Hormonal Preparations, excl. Sex Hormones and Insulins ni, TARDBP Gene ni, TBK1 Gene ni, Tadalafil ni, Tafluprost ni, Tamoxifen ni, Tamsulosin ni, Teaching professionals ni, Technicians and associate professionals ni, Telmisartan ni, Terbutaline ni, Teriflunomide ni, Tetanus Immunoglobulin ni, Tetracosactide ni, Tetralogy of Fallot ni, Thalassemia ni, Therapeutic Radiopharmaceuticals ni, Thiamazole ni, Thiethylperazine ni, Third Degree Relative ni, Thoracic Spinal Cord ni, Thoracic Spine ni, Thoracic Trauma ni, Thorax ni, Throat Preparations ni, Thrombocytopenia ni, Thromboembolism ni, Thyroid Gland Disorder ni, Thyroid Gland Excision ni, Thyroid Therapy ni, Thyroiditis ni, Tibia Fracture ni, Tibolone ni, Ticlopidine ni, Tinea Versicolor ni, Tiotropium Bromide ni, Tizanidine ni, Tocilizumab ni, Tolterodine ni, Tonics ni, Tooth Abscess ni, Topical Products for Joint and Muscular Pain ni, Topiramate ni, Toxoplasmosis ni, Transient Ischemic Attack ni, Transplantation ni, Transurethral Prostatectomy ni, Trastuzumab ni, Trazodone ni, Triazolam ni, Trigeminal Nerve Disorder ni, Trospium ni, Turbinectomy ni, Two Vessel Coronary Disease ni, Type 1 Diabtes Mellitus ni, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus ni, Uncle ni, Upper Extremity ni, Ureteral Stenosis ni, Urinary Stone ni, Urologicals ni, Ursodeoxycholic Acid ni, Urticaria ni, Ustekinumab ni, Uterine Corpus Leiomyoma ni, Vaccines ni, Valaciclovir ni, Valproic Acid ni, Valsartan ni, Various ni, Vasoprotectives ni, Venlafaxine ni, Verapamil ni, Vertebral Column ni, Vertigo ni, Vertioxetine ni, Vigabatrin ni, Viral Pericarditis ni, Viral Respiratory Tract Infection ni, Vitamin D Deficiency ni, Vitamins ni, Vitiligo ni, Vulvovaginal Candidiasis ni, Vulvovaginitis ni, Warfarin ni, Zolmitriptan ni, Zolpidem ni, Zuclopenthixol ni
is disjoint with
Collection c, Concept Scheme c

Concept Schemec back to ToC or Class ToC


A set of concepts, optionally including statements about semantic relationships between those concepts.
Is defined by
Thesauri, classification schemes, subject heading lists, taxonomies, 'folksonomies', and other types of controlled vocabulary are all examples of concept schemes. Concept schemes are also embedded in glossaries and terminologies.
is in domain of
has top concept op
is in range of
is in scheme op, is top concept in scheme op
is disjoint with
Collection c, Concept c

Conditionc back to ToC or Class ToC


A state of being, such as a state of health. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has sub-classes
Comorbidity c, Impairment c, Symptom c
is in domain of
conditionEnd dp, conditionStart dp, privacyPreservingDate dp
is in range of
hasRegisteredCondition op

CSF Analysisc back to ToC or Class ToC


A laboratory analysis of a sample of cerebrospinal fluid. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Diagnostic Procedure c
is in domain of
IgGIndexCSF dp, albuminCSF dp, alterationCSF dp, glucoseCSF dp, granulocytesCSF dp, immunoglobulinGCSF dp, leukocytesCountCSF dp, lymphocytesCSF dp, pathologicalJCCSF dp, proteinsCSF dp, quotientAlbuminCSF dp, testedForOligoclonalBands op, virusJCTestedCSF dp

cubic metrec back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Unit Multiple or Submultiple c

Daily Average Relative Humidityc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Humidity c

Daily Average Sea Level Pressurec back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Atmospheric Pressure c

Daily Maximum Temperaturec back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Temperature c

Daily Mean Global Radiationc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Global Radiation c

Daily Mean Temperaturec back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Temperature c

Daily Mean Wind Speedc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Wind Speed c

Daily Minimum Temperaturec back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Temperature c

Daily Precipitation Sumc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Precipitation c

decibelc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Singular unit c

Diagnosisc back to ToC or Class ToC


The investigation, analysis and recognition of the presence and nature of disease, condition, or injury from expressed signs and symptoms; also, the scientific determination of any kind; the concise results of such an investigation. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Event c
is in domain of
ageDiagnosis dp, diagnosticCriteria dp, diagnosticCriteriaLabel dp, diagnosticDelay dp

Diagnostic Imagingc back to ToC or Class ToC


Any method that uses a visual display of structural or functional patterns of organs or tissues for diagnostic evaluation. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Diagnostic Procedure c
has sub-classes
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) c, Positron Emission Tomography (PET) c
is in domain of
anatomicalLocation op

Diagnostic Procedurec back to ToC or Class ToC


Any procedure or test to diagnose a disease or disorder. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Intervention or Procedure c
has sub-classes
Awaji Clinical Evaluation c, CSF Analysis c, Clinical Evaluation c, Cognitive Assessment c, Diagnostic Imaging c, Evoked Potentials c, Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) c, Gold Coast Diagnosis Criteria c, Hand Dexterity c, Hematology Test c, Muscle Tone Assessment c, Pulmonary Function Test c, Questionnaire c, Visual Acuity c, Walk Test c

Disease, Disorder or Findingc back to ToC or Class ToC


A condition that is relevant to human neoplasms and non-neoplastic disorders. This includes observations, test results, history and other concepts relevant to the characterization of human pathologic conditions. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
is in range of
determinedBy op, hasDisease op, isAboutDisease op
has members
Abdominal Pain ni, Acquired Hypothyroidism ni, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) ni, Acute Cystitis ni, Acute Myeloid Leukemia ni, Acute Myocardial Infarction ni, Acute Pyelonephritis ni, Acute Respiratory Failure ni, Acute Tonsillitis ni, Adenocarcinoma ni, Ageusia ni, Alanine Aminotransferase Increased ni, Alcohol Dependance ni, Allergic Asthma ni, Allergic Rhinitis ni, Alzheimer's Disease ni, Amenorrhea ni, Amenorrhea due to Pituitary Dysfunction ni, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis ni, Anemia ni, Angioedema ni, Ankle Fracture ni, Ann Arbor Stage IV Mantle Cell Lymphoma ni, Ann Arbor Stage IV T-Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma ni, Anorectal Fistula ni, Anorexia ni, Anosmia ni, Anxiety Disorder ni, Arrhythmia ni, Arthritis ni, Aspiration Pneumonitis ni, Asthma ni, Atopic Dermatitis ni, Atrial Fibrillation ni, Atrial Flutter ni, Autoimmune Disease ni, Autoimmune Nervous System Disorder ni, Autoimmune Pancytopenia ni, B-Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma ni, Bacterial Pneumonia ni, Baker Cyst ni, Basal Cell Carcinoma ni, Behavioral Impairment ni, Bell's Palsy ni, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ni, Bipolar Disorder ni, Blepharitits ni, Blepharospasm ni, Bowel Obstruction ni, Bradycardia ni, Breast Carcinoma ni, Breast Ductal Carcinoma ni, Brown-Sequard Syndrome ni, COVID-19 Infection ni, Carcinoma ni, Cardiovascular Disorder ni, Cavernous Hemangioma ni, Celiac Disease ni, Central Nervous System Degenerative Disorder ni, Cervical Carcinoma ni, Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Grade 2/3 ni, Chalazion ni, Chicken Pox ni, Cholelithiasis ni, Chronic Atropic Gastritis ni, Chronic Lung Disorder ni, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ni, Cleft Palate ni, Closed Dislocation of Shoulder ni, Closed Fracture of Rib ni, Closed Fracture of Tibia ni, Cognitive Impariment ni, Cold Sore ni, Colon Adenocarcinoma ni, Colon Dysplasia ni, Colorectal Carcinoma ni, Common Bile Duct Stone ni, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia ni, Cranial Nerve VII Palsy ni, Cutaneous Melanoma ni, Cyst ni, Deep Vein Thrombosis ni, Dementia ni, Depression ni, Diabetes Mellitus ni, Diabetic Ketoacidosis ni, Disease or Disorder ni, Dog Bite ni, Drug Hypersensitivity Syndrome ni, Dyslipidemia ni, Eczema ni, Endometriosis ni, Epidermal Inclusion Cyst ni, Essential Hypertension ni, Extrapyramidal Disorder ni, Favism ni, Female Reproductive System Disorder ni, Femur Fracture ni, Fever Chills ni, Fibroma ni, Fibromyalgia ni, Finding ni, Flu-Like Symptoms ni, Frontotemporal Dementia ni, Fungal Infection ni, Gastritis ni, Gastroenteritits ni, Gastroesophageal Reflux ni, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease ni, Generalized Epilepsy ni, Glaucoma ni, Hashimoto Thyroiditis ni, Head Trauma ni, Head and Neck Finding ni, Headache ni, Heart Disorder ni, Heart Failure ni, Hematoma ni, Hepatic Toxicity ni, Hepatitis ni, Hepatitis A Infection ni, Hepatitis C Infection ni, Hereditary Factor XI Deficiency ni, Hereditary Hemolytic Anemia ni, Hernia ni, Herpes Simplex Keratitis ni, Herpes Simplex Virus Infection ni, Herpes Zoster ni, High Grade Cervical Squamous Intraepithelial Neoplasia ni, Hip Osteoarthritis ni, Hypercholesterolemia ni, Hyperhomocysteinemia ni, Hypersensitivity ni, Hypertension ni, Hypertensive Crisis ni, Hyperthyroidism ni, Hypertriglyceridaemia ni, Hypertrophy ni, Hypothyroidism ni, Ichthyosis ni, Infectious Mononucleosis ni, Inguinal Hernia ni, Injury ni, Insomnia ni, Interstitial Pneumonia ni, Intervertebral Disc Prolapse ni, Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction ni, Intraepithelial Neoplasia ni, Iridocyclitis ni, Iron-Deficiency Anemia ni, Keratitis ni, Keratoconus ni, Kidney Carcinoma ni, Klippel-Feil Syndrome ni, Knee Injury ni, Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis ni, Leukoaraiosis ni, Leukopenia ni, Long QT Syndrome ni, Lumbar Hernia ni, Lumbar Puncture Headache ni, Lymphopenia ni, MTHFR Gene Mutation ni, Macular Degeneration ni, Malignant Colon Neoplasm ni, Malignant Neoplasm ni, Malignant Skin Neoplasm ni, Malignant Thyroid Gland Neoplasm ni, Melanocytic Nevus ni, Menopausal Symptom ni, Migraine ni, Migraine With Aura ni, Molluscum Contagiosum Virus ni, Monoclonal B_Cell Lymphocytosis ni, Monoclonal Gammopathy ni, Mood Disorder ni, Motor Neuron Disease ni, Multiple Sclerosis ni, Mumps ni, Myasthenia Gravis ni, Myeloproliferative Neoplasm ni, Myocardial Infarction ni, Neck Trauma ni, Neonatal Hearing Impairment ni, Neoplasm ni, Nervous System Disorder ni, Neurofibromatosis ni, Neutropenic Disorder ni, Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma ni, Non-Neoplastic Central Nervous System Disorder ni, Obesity ni, Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome ni, Opioid Use Disorder ni, Optic Neuritis ni, Osteoporosis ni, Palmar Fibromatosis ni, Pancytopenia ni, Panic Disorder ni, Parkinson's Disease ni, Penicillin Allergy ni, Personality Disorder ni, Pituitary Neuroendocrine Tumor ni, Pityriasis Rosea ni, Pleural Effusion ni, Pneumococcal Pneumonia ni, Pneumonia ni, Pneumonia Caused By SARS-CoV-2 ni, Post-Herpetic Neuralgia ni, Primary Lateral Sclerosis ni, Primary Neoplasm ni, Primary Progressive Aphasia ni, Progressive Bulbar Palsy ni, Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy ni, Progressive Muscular Atrophy ni, Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disc ni, Proteinuria ni, Psoriasis ni, Psoriatic Arthritis ni, Psychiatric Disorder ni, Psychosis ni, Pulmonary Embolism ni, Pulmonary Insufficiency ni, Pulmonary Sarcoidosis ni, Pulmonary Thromboembolism ni, Radius Fracture ni, Recurrent Acute Myeloid Leukemia ni, Renal Colic ni, Retinal Detachment ni, Rheumatoid Arthritis ni, Rheumatologic Disorder ni, Sarcoidosis ni, Scarlet Fever ni, Sciatica ni, Seizure Disorder ni, Septicemia ni, Serositis ni, Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase, CTCAE ni, Shoulder Dislocation ni, Sign ni, Sign or Symptom ni, Sinusitis ni, Sjogren Syndrome ni, Skin Basal Cell Carcinoma ni, Skin Basosquamous Cell Carcinoma ni, Skin Carcinoma ni, Skin Cyst ni, Spina Bifida ni, Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy, X-linked 1 ni, Staphylococcal Infection ni, Stroke ni, Subdural Hematoma ni, Symptom ni, Syncope ni, Tetralogy of Fallot ni, Thalassemia ni, Thoracic Trauma ni, Thrombocytopenia ni, Thromboembolism ni, Thyroid Gland Disorder ni, Thyroiditis ni, Tibia Fracture ni, Tinea Versicolor ni, Tooth Abscess ni, Toxoplasmosis ni, Transient Ischemic Attack ni, Trigeminal Nerve Disorder ni, Two Vessel Coronary Disease ni, Type 1 Diabtes Mellitus ni, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus ni, Ureteral Stenosis ni, Urinary Stone ni, Urticaria ni, Uterine Corpus Leiomyoma ni, Vertigo ni, Viral Pericarditis ni, Viral Respiratory Tract Infection ni, Vitamin D Deficiency ni, Vitiligo ni, Vulvovaginal Candidiasis ni, Vulvovaginitis ni

Dysphagia In Multiple Sclerosisc back to ToC or Class ToC


A questionnaire to assess dysphagia in MS patients [DOI: 10.1016/j.jns.2007.12.021]
has super-classes
Questionnaire filled using a mobile application c
is in domain of
DYMUS_Q1 dp, DYMUS_Q10 dp, DYMUS_Q2 dp, DYMUS_Q3 dp, DYMUS_Q4 dp, DYMUS_Q5 dp, DYMUS_Q6 dp, DYMUS_Q7 dp, DYMUS_Q8 dp, DYMUS_Q9 dp

Edinburgh Cognitive and Behavioural ALS Screenc back to ToC or Class ToC


The ECAS is a brief multidomain assessment originally designed for people with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS/Motor Neurone Disease) but is also useful in other neurodegenerative disorders. [Source:]
has super-classes
Cognitive Assessment c
is in domain of
ecasALSnonSpecificScore dp, ecasALSspecificScore dp, ecasCarerInterviewScore dp, ecasExecutiveAlternation dp, ecasExecutiveFluencyS dp, ecasExecutiveFluencyT dp, ecasExecutiveScore dp, ecasExecutiveSentenceCompletion dp, ecasHasCarerInterview dp, ecasLanguageComprehension dp, ecasLanguageNaming dp, ecasLanguageScore dp, ecasLanguageSpelling dp, ecasMemoryDelayedRecall dp, ecasMemoryDelayedRecognition dp, ecasMemoryImmediateRecall dp, ecasMemoryScore dp, ecasPsychosisScreenScore dp, ecasReverseDigitSpan dp, ecasSocialCognition dp, ecasSymptomsApathyOrInertia dp, ecasSymptomsChangePrevBehaviour dp, ecasSymptomsDisinhibition dp, ecasSymptomsHyperorality dp, ecasSymptomsLossSympathyOrEmpathy dp, ecasSymptomsPerseverativeSterotyped dp, ecasTotalScore dp, ecasVerbalFluencyScore dp, ecasVisuospatialCubeCounting dp, ecasVisuospatialDotCounting dp, ecasVisuospatialNumberLocation dp, ecasVisuospatialScore dp

End Therapy Reasonc back to ToC or Class ToC


The motivation for the interruption of the therapeutic treatment.
is in domain of
adverseReaction op, confirmedPregnancy op, endTherapyReason dp

European Quality of Life Five Dimension Five Level Scale Questionnairec back to ToC or Class ToC


A standardized rating scale which is used as a measure of health outcome. This instrument is a descriptive system consisting of 5 dimensions: mobility, self-care, usual activity, pain/discomfort, and anxiety/depression. Each dimension has 5 levels ranging from no problem to extreme problem or incapable, which are assessed by the patient. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Questionnaire filled using a mobile application c
is in domain of
EQ5D5L_Q1 dp, EQ5D5L_Q2 dp, EQ5D5L_Q3 dp, EQ5D5L_Q4 dp, EQ5D5L_Q5 dp, EQ5D5L_Q6 dp

Eventc back to ToC or Class ToC


Something that happens at a given place and time. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has sub-classes
Before Onset c, Diagnosis c, Onset c, Protocol Event c
is in domain of
consists op, eventEnd dp, eventStart dp, filledAppQuestionnaire op, hasRegisteredActivity op, hasRegisteredCondition op, pregnancy op, privacyPreservingDate dp, relapse op, trauma op
is in range of
undergo op

Evoked Potentialsc back to ToC or Class ToC


Electrical responses recorded from nerve, muscle, SENSORY RECEPTOR, or area of the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM following stimulation. They range from less than a microvolt to several microvolts. The evoked potential can be auditory (EVOKED POTENTIALS, AUDITORY), somatosensory (EVOKED POTENTIALS, SOMATOSENSORY), visual (EVOKED POTENTIALS, VISUAL), or motor (EVOKED POTENTIALS, MOTOR), or other modalities that have been reported. [Definition Source: MSH]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Diagnostic Procedure c
is in domain of
evokedPotentialsLocation dp, evokedPotentialsResponse dp, evokedPotentialsType dp, visualEvokedPotentialAmplitude dp, visualEvokedPotentialLatency dp

Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS)c back to ToC or Class ToC


A system for quantifying disability in multiple sclerosis (MS). Based on a standard neurological examination, the Expanded Disability Status Scale quantifies disability in seven Functional Systems (plus "Other") and assigns a Functional System Score in each. Results are ranked as steps from 0 to 10, with steps 1 through 4.5 describing MS patients who are fully ambulatory and steps 5 through 9.5 describing increasing impairment to ambulation. Step 10 refers to death due to MS. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Diagnostic Procedure c
is in domain of
ambulationEDSS dp, ambulationEDSSAssistance dp, ambulationEDSSObservedTime dp, ambulationEDSSPatientDistance dp, ambulationEDSSPatientTime dp, bowelAndBladderEDSS dp, brainstemEDSS dp, cerebellarEDSS dp, cerebralEDSS dp, clinicallyEvaluatedEDSS dp, pyramidalEDSS dp, sensoryEDSS dp, visualEDSS dp

G H Gsc back to ToC or Class ToC


Greenhouse gases
has super-classes
Air pollution c
has sub-classes
C H4 c, C O2 c, H F Cs c, N2 O c, P F Cs c, S F6 c

G H Gs concentrationc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Air pollution concentration c
has sub-classes
C H4 concentration c, C O2 concentration c, H F Cs concentration c, N2 O concentration c, P F Cs concentration c, S F6 concentration c

Genec back to ToC or Class ToC


A functional unit of heredity which occupies a specific position on a particular chromosome and serves as the template for a product that contributes to a phenotype or a biological function. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
is in range of
onGene op
has members
AR Gene ni, C9orf72 Gene ni, DCTN1 Gene ni, FUS Gene ni, OPTN Gene ni, SOD1 Gene ni, SQSTM1 Gene ni, TARDBP Gene ni, TBK1 Gene ni

Genetic Testingc back to ToC or Class ToC


The process of isolating and testing the DNA of an embryo or a person to detect the presence of genetic alterations or defects that may predispose to the future development of a disease or disorder. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
is in domain of
hasMutation dp, mutationType dp, onGene op
is in range of
tested op

Global Radiationc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Weather Data c
has sub-classes
Daily Mean Global Radiation c

Gold Coast Diagnosis Criteriac back to ToC or Class ToC


Diagnostic assessment of ALS following the Gold Coast criteria ( ).
has super-classes
Diagnostic Procedure c
is in domain of
goldCoastExcludingOthers dp, goldCoastProgressiveMotorImpairment dp, goldCoastUMNandLMN dp

Group (social concept)c back to ToC or Class ToC


A group of individuals united by a common factor (e.g., geographic location, ethnicity, disease, age, gender) [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
is in range of
hasEthnicity op
has members
Asian (ethnic group) ni, Black (ethnic group) ni, Caucasian ni, Hispanic ni

H F Csc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
G H Gs c

H F Cs concentrationc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
G H Gs concentration c

Hand Dexterityc back to ToC or Class ToC


Test performed to assess the ability of a person to use the fingers, hands and arms to perform a task. [Definition Source:]
has super-classes
Diagnostic Procedure c
is in domain of
dominantHandTrial1 dp, dominantHandTrial2 dp, dominantHandTrialDone dp, factorsAffectedHandTrial dp, nonDominantHandTrial1 dp, nonDominantHandTrial2 dp, nonDominantHandTrialDone dp, otherFactorsAffectedHandTrial dp

Heart Rate Measurementc back to ToC or Class ToC


The number of heartbeats per unit of time, usually expressed as beats per minute. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Wearable Data Measurement c
is in domain of
averageHeartRate dp, baselineHeartRate dp, linearTrendHeartRate dp, maxHeartRate dp, maxTimeHeartRate dp, minHeartRate dp, minTimeHeartRate dp, quadraticTrendHeartRate dp, r2HeartRate dp, restingHeartRate dp, stdHeartRate dp

Hematology Testc back to ToC or Class ToC


A laboratory test to measure hematopoietic components and investigate hematologic disorders in a blood sample. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Diagnostic Procedure c
is in domain of
observedResult op

Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scalec back to ToC or Class ToC


A standardized survey developed and copyrighted by A. S. Zigmond and R. P. Snaith in 1983, 1992, 1994 and published in the Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica journal (A.S. Zigmond and R.P. Snaith. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Acta psychiart. scand. 1983, 67:361-370) which is used to detect depression and anxiety in individuals in a hospital or medical outpatient clinic. This instrument is a self-administered questionnaire consisting of 14 items that assess how the individual has felt over the past week. Each item as 4 response options that are associated with a score of 0 to 3. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Questionnaire filled using a mobile application c
has sub-classes
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale for ALS patients c
is in domain of
HADS_Q1 dp, HADS_Q10 dp, HADS_Q11 dp, HADS_Q12 dp, HADS_Q13 dp, HADS_Q14 dp, HADS_Q2 dp, HADS_Q3 dp, HADS_Q4 dp, HADS_Q5 dp, HADS_Q6 dp, HADS_Q7 dp, HADS_Q8 dp, HADS_Q9 dp

Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale for ALS patientsc back to ToC or Class ToC


Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale questionnaire administered to ALS patients.
has super-classes
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale c

Humidityc back to ToC or Class ToC


A measure of the water vapor content of air. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Weather Data c
has sub-classes
Daily Average Relative Humidity c

Impairmentc back to ToC or Class ToC


Loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological, or anatomic structure or function. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Condition c

Instantc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Temporal Entity c
is in domain of
in Date Time op, in X S D Date Time dp
is in range of
APConcentrationTime op
is disjoint with
Proper Interval c

Intervalc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Temporal Entity c
has sub-classes
Proper Interval c

Intervention or Procedurec back to ToC or Class ToC


An activity that produces an effect, or that is intended to alter the course of a disease in a patient or population. This is a general term that encompasses the medical, social, behavioral, and environmental acts that can have preventive, therapeutic, or palliative effects. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has sub-classes
Diagnostic Procedure c, Surgical Procedure c, Therapeutic Procedure c
is in domain of
privacyPreservingDate dp, procedureEnd dp, procedureStart dp
is in range of
consists op

King's Clinical Staging Methodc back to ToC or Class ToC


The King’s staging system consists of five disease stages, with Stage 5 being death. Stages 1–3 are based upon the number of El Escorial central nervous system (CNS) regions involved in the disease, measured by weakness, wasting, spasticity, dysphagia, or dysarthria. Stage 4 is nutritional failure, defined by the requirement for gastrostomy, or respiratory failure, defined by the requirement for noninvasive ventilation (NIV), and based upon the National Institute for Clinical Excellence MND Guidelines (Supplemental Material). [Definition Source: Balendra, Rubika et al. “A standard operating procedure for King's ALS clinical staging.” Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis & frontotemporal degeneration vol. 20,3-4 (2019): 159-164.]
has super-classes
Questionnaire c
is in domain of
kingsValue dp

Kinshipc back to ToC or Class ToC


The relationship between members of the same family. [Cambridge Dictionary]
Is defined by
is in domain of
hasKinshipType op, inKinshipWith op
is in range of
hasKinship op

KinshipTypec back to ToC or Class ToC


The type of the relationship between members of the same family.
is in range of
hasKinshipType op
has members
Aunt ni, Brother ni, Cousin ni, Daughter ni, Father ni, First Cousin ni, First Degree Relative ni, Granddaughter ni, Grandfather ni, Grandmother ni, Grandson ni, Maternal Aunt ni, Maternal Uncle ni, Mother ni, Nephew ni, Niece ni, Paternal Aunt ni, Paternal Uncle ni, Second Degree Relative ni, Sister ni, Son ni, Third Degree Relative ni, Uncle ni

Laboratory Test Resultc back to ToC or Class ToC


The outcome of a laboratory test. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
is in domain of
componentName dp, measuredLevel dp, normalLevel dp, positivityResult dp, unitOfMeasure dp
is in range of
observedResult op

Last 5 Years Eventc back to ToC or Class ToC


Events occurred in the last 5 years (from the first visit).
has super-classes
Before Onset c
is in domain of
abdominalSurgery dp, cervicalSpineSurgery dp, cervicalTrauma dp, headNeckSurgery dp, headTrauma dp, lowerLimbSurgery dp, lumboSacralSpineSurgery dp, lumboSacralTrauma dp, neckTrauma dp, pelvicSurgery dp, thoracicSpineSurgery dp, thoracicSurgery dp, thoracicTrauma dp, upperLimbSurgery dp

Lifestylec back to ToC or Class ToC


A manner of living that reflects the person's values and attitudes. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Activity c
is in domain of
alcoholUse dp, diet dp, sexuality dp, sunExposure dp

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)c back to ToC or Class ToC


Imaging that uses radiofrequency waves and a strong magnetic field rather than x-rays to provide detailed pictures of internal organs and tissues. The technique is valuable for the diagnosis of many pathologic conditions, including cancer, heart and vascular disease, stroke, and joint and musculoskeletal disorders. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Diagnostic Imaging c
is in domain of
brainAtrophyMRI dp, burdenT1Lesions dp, burdenT2Lesions dp, contiguousLesionsMRI dp, gadoliniumLesionsT1MRI dp, gadoliniumLesionsT1MRINumber dp, lesionsT1MRI dp, lesionsT2MRI dp, newOrEnlargedLesionsT2MRI dp, newOrEnlargedLesionsT2MRINumber dp, numberSpinalCordLesions dp, spinalCordLesions dp, totalLesionsT2MRI dp
is in range of
requiredMRI op

massc back to ToC or Class ToC


Mass is the amount of matter of a phenomenon. It is a base quantity in the International System of Units. Mass is force divided by acceleration.
has super-classes
Quantity c
has sub-classes
P M10 Mass c, P M2.5 Mass c

Menstrual Cyclec back to ToC or Class ToC


The Menstrual Cycle involves regularly recurring hormonal changes and physiologic endometrial changes during the reproductive period in human females, and some primates, and culminates in partial sloughing of the endometrium (menstruation) in the absence of fertilization. For most women, one cycle takes 28 days. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
is in domain of
hasMenstrualCycle dp, isMenstrualCycleRegular dp, reasonIrregularCycle dp, reasonNoMenstrualCycle dp
is in range of
menstrualCycle op

microgramc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Unit Multiple or Submultiple c

microgram per cubic metrec back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Unit division c

Milano-Torino Functional Staging System (MiToS)c back to ToC or Class ToC


The Milano–Torino (MiToS) Staging system comprises six stages, based on functional impairment as assessed by the revised ALS Functional Rating Scale (ALSFRS-R). [Definition Source: Balendra, Rubika et al. “A standard operating procedure for King's ALS clinical staging.” Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis & frontotemporal degeneration vol. 20,3-4 (2019): 159-164.]
has super-classes
Questionnaire c
is in domain of
mitosValue dp

Modified Fatigue Impact Scalec back to ToC or Class ToC


A standardized rating scale developed by Fisk et al in 1994, which assesses how fatigue may affect a person and the impact of fatigue on quality of life. The questionnaire contains 21 questions which are scored ranging from 0 (never) to 4 (almost always). [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Questionnaire filled using a mobile application c
is in domain of
MFIS_Q1 dp, MFIS_Q10 dp, MFIS_Q11 dp, MFIS_Q12 dp, MFIS_Q13 dp, MFIS_Q14 dp, MFIS_Q15 dp, MFIS_Q16 dp, MFIS_Q17 dp, MFIS_Q18 dp, MFIS_Q19 dp, MFIS_Q2 dp, MFIS_Q20 dp, MFIS_Q21 dp, MFIS_Q3 dp, MFIS_Q4 dp, MFIS_Q5 dp, MFIS_Q6 dp, MFIS_Q7 dp, MFIS_Q8 dp, MFIS_Q9 dp

More Than 5 Years Eventc back to ToC or Class ToC


Events occured more than 5 years ago, counting from the first visit.
has super-classes
Before Onset c
is in domain of
abdominalSurgery dp, cervicalSpineSurgery dp, cervicalTrauma dp, headNeckSurgery dp, headTrauma dp, lowerLimbSurgery dp, lumboSacralSpineSurgery dp, lumboSacralTrauma dp, neckTrauma dp, pelvicSurgery dp, thoracicSpineSurgery dp, thoracicSurgery dp, thoracicTrauma dp, upperLimbSurgery dp

MSQOL54 Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life (MSQOL)-54 Instrumentc back to ToC or Class ToC


A standardized rating scale developed by Vickrey et al in 1995 and 1997, which combines items that are generic and disease-specific to assess quality of life and the level of physical, emotional, and cognitive functions in patients with multiple sclerosis. The questionnaire contains 54 questions and generates 12 subscales: physical function, role limitations due to physical problems, role limitations due to emotional problems, pain, emotional well-being, energy, health perceptions, social function, cognitive function, health distress, sexual function and overall quality of life. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Questionnaire filled using a mobile application c
is in domain of
MSQOL54_Q1 dp, MSQOL54_Q10 dp, MSQOL54_Q11 dp, MSQOL54_Q12 dp, MSQOL54_Q13 dp, MSQOL54_Q14 dp, MSQOL54_Q15 dp, MSQOL54_Q16 dp, MSQOL54_Q17 dp, MSQOL54_Q18 dp, MSQOL54_Q19 dp, MSQOL54_Q2 dp, MSQOL54_Q20 dp, MSQOL54_Q21 dp, MSQOL54_Q22 dp, MSQOL54_Q23 dp, MSQOL54_Q24 dp, MSQOL54_Q25 dp, MSQOL54_Q26 dp, MSQOL54_Q27 dp, MSQOL54_Q28 dp, MSQOL54_Q29 dp, MSQOL54_Q3 dp, MSQOL54_Q30 dp, MSQOL54_Q31 dp, MSQOL54_Q32 dp, MSQOL54_Q33 dp, MSQOL54_Q34 dp, MSQOL54_Q35 dp, MSQOL54_Q36 dp, MSQOL54_Q37 dp, MSQOL54_Q38 dp, MSQOL54_Q39 dp, MSQOL54_Q4 dp, MSQOL54_Q40 dp, MSQOL54_Q41 dp, MSQOL54_Q42 dp, MSQOL54_Q43 dp, MSQOL54_Q44 dp, MSQOL54_Q45 dp, MSQOL54_Q46 dp, MSQOL54_Q47 dp, MSQOL54_Q48 dp, MSQOL54_Q49 dp, MSQOL54_Q5 dp, MSQOL54_Q50 dp, MSQOL54_Q51 dp, MSQOL54_Q52 dp, MSQOL54_Q53 dp, MSQOL54_Q54 dp, MSQOL54_Q6 dp, MSQOL54_Q7 dp, MSQOL54_Q8 dp, MSQOL54_Q9 dp

Muscle Tone ALSc back to ToC or Class ToC


Muscle tone assessment performed to ALS patients.
has super-classes
Muscle Tone c

Muscle Tone Assessmentc back to ToC or Class ToC


Muscle Tone measured by the modified Ashworth scale. The modified Ashworth scale is a muscle tone assessment scale used to assess the resistance experienced during passive range of motion, which does not require any instrumentation and is quick to perform. [Source:]
has super-classes
Diagnostic Procedure c
is in domain of
ashworthLeftArm dp, ashworthLeftLeg dp, ashworthRightArm dp, ashworthRightLeg dp

Muscle Tone MSc back to ToC or Class ToC


Muscle tone assessment performed to MS patients.
has super-classes
Muscle Tone c

N O2c back to ToC or Class ToC


Nitrogen dioxide
has super-classes
Air pollution c

N2 Oc back to ToC or Class ToC


Nitrous oxide
has super-classes
G H Gs c

N2 O concentrationc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
G H Gs concentration c

Nitrogen Dioxide concentrationc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Air pollution concentration c

Noise pollutionc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Pollution c

Noise pollution concentrationc back to ToC or Class ToC


Measurements of noise pollution at a specific time and location.
has super-classes
Pollution concentration c

O3c back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Air pollution c

Occupationc back to ToC or Class ToC


The principal activity that a person does to earn money. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
is in range of
hasOccupation op
has members
Administrative and commercial managers ni, Agricultural, forestry and fishery labourers ni, Armed forces occupations ni, Armed forces occupations, other ranks ni, Assemblers ni, Building and related trades workers, excluding electricians ni, Business and administration associate professionals ni, Business and administration professionals ni, Chief executives, senior officials and legislators ni, Cleaners and helpers ni, Clerical support workers ni, Commissioned armed forces officers ni, Craft and related trades workers ni, Customer services clerks ni, Drivers and mobile plant operators ni, Electrical and electronic trades workers ni, Elementary occupations ni, Food preparation assistants ni, Food processing, wood working, garment and other craft and related trades workers ni, General and keyboard clerks ni, Handicraft and printing workers ni, Health associate professionals ni, Health professionals ni, Hospitality, retail and other services managers ni, Information and communications technicians ni, Information and communications technology professionals ni, Labourers in mining, construction, manufacturing and transport ni, Legal, social and cultural professionals ni, Legal, social, cultural and related associate professionals ni, Managers ni, Market-oriented skilled agricultural workers ni, Market-oriented skilled forestry, fishery and hunting workers ni, Metal, machinery and related trades workers ni, Non-commissioned armed forces officers ni, Numerical and material recording clerks ni, Other clerical support workers ni, Personal care workers ni, Personal service workers ni, Plant and machine operators and assemblers ni, Production and specialised services managers ni, Professionals ni, Protective services workers ni, Refuse workers and other elementary workers ni, Sales workers ni, Science and engineering associate professionals ni, Science and engineering professionals ni, Service and sales workers ni, Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers ni, Stationary plant and machine operators ni, Street and related sales and service workers ni, Subsistence farmers, fishers, hunters and gatherers ni, Teaching professionals ni, Technicians and associate professionals ni

Oligoclonal Bandsc back to ToC or Class ToC


The presence of more than one immunoglobulin band in the serum, urine, or cerebrospinal fluid. It usually results from infectious or immunologic disorders. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
is in domain of
oligoclonalBandsNumber dp, oligoclonalBandsPresence dp, oligoclonalBandsType dp
is in range of
testedForOligoclonalBands op

Onsetc back to ToC or Class ToC


The start, beginning, or early stages. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Event c
is in domain of
ageOnset dp, anatomicalLocation op, axialOnset dp, bulbarOnset dp, generalizedOnset dp, limbsOnset dp, otherOnset dp

Ordered Collectionc back to ToC or Class ToC


An ordered collection of concepts, where both the grouping and the ordering are meaningful.
Is defined by
has super-classes
Collection c
is in domain of
has member list op

Ozone concentrationc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Air pollution concentration c

P F Csc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
G H Gs c

P F Cs concentrationc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
G H Gs concentration c

P Mc back to ToC or Class ToC


Particulate matter
has super-classes
Air pollution c
has sub-classes
P M10 c, P M2.5 c

P M10c back to ToC or Class ToC


Particulate matter with particles that are 10 microns or less in diameter
has super-classes
P M c

P M10 Massc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
mass c

P M10 Volumec back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
volume c

P M2.5c back to ToC or Class ToC


Particulate matter with particles that are 2.5 microns or less in diameter
has super-classes
P M c

P M2.5 Massc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
mass c

P M2.5 Volumec back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
volume c

Particulate Matter <1 µm concentrationc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Air pollution concentration c

Particulate Matter <10 µm concentrationc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Air pollution concentration c

Particulate Matter <2.5 µm concentrationc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Air pollution concentration c

Patientc back to ToC or Class ToC


A person who receives medical attention, care, or treatment, or who is registered with medical professional or institution with the purpose to receive medical care when necessary. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Person c
is in domain of
MSInPaediatricAge dp, ageBaseline dp, alive dp, cognitivePhenotype dp, dextricity dp, educationLevel dp, familiarHistoryALS dp, genomeSequencing dp, hasEthnicity op, hasKinship op, hasOccupation op, maritalStatus dp, menopauseStatus dp, menstrualCycle op, notes dp, phenotype dp, privacyPreservingDeathDate dp, retiredAtDiagnosis dp, slope dp, tested op, undergo op

Personc back to ToC or Class ToC


A human being. [Definition Source: NCI]
has sub-classes
Patient c
is in domain of
birthYear dp, birthplace op, deathCause dp, deathDate dp, enrolledIn op, hasDisease op, ownsSensingDevice op, residence op, sex dp
is in range of
inKinshipWith op
has members
Gianmaria Silvello ni, Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio ni, Guglielmo Faggioli ni, Laura Menotti ni, Nicola Ferro ni, Stefano Marchesin ni

Pharmacologic Substancec back to ToC or Class ToC


Any natural, endogenously-derived, synthetic or semi-synthetic compound with pharmacologic activity. A pharmacologic substance has one or more specific mechanism of action(s) through which it exerts one or more effect(s) on the human or animal body. They can be used to potentially prevent, diagnose, treat or relieve symptoms of a disease. Formulation specific agents and some combination agents are also classified as pharmacologic substances. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
is in range of
pharmacologicSubstance op
has members
ACE Inhibitors, Plain ni, Acetylcarnitine ni, Acetylsalicylic Acid ni, Acetylsalicylic Acid, Combinations excl. Psycholeptics ni, Aciclovir ni, Ademetionine ni, Agents Acting on the Renin-Angiotensin System ni, Alectinib ni, Alemtuzumab ni, Alfuzosin ni, Alimentary Tract and Metabolism ni, All Other Non-Therapeutic Products ni, All Other Therapeutic Products ni, Allergens ni, Alpha-Lipoic Acid ni, Alprazolam ni, Amantadine ni, Ambrisentan ni, Amiodarone ni, Amitriptyline ni, Amitriptyline and Psycholeptics ni, Amlodipine ni, Amoxicillin and Beta-Lactamase Inhibitor ni, Anabolic Agents for Systemic Use ni, Analgesics ni, Anesthetics ni, Anthelmintics ni, Anti-Acne Preparations ni, Anti-Parkinson Drugs ni, Antianemic Preparations ni, Antibacterials for Systemic Use ni, Antibiotics and Chemotherapeutics for Dermatological Use ni, Antidepressants ni, Antidiarrheals, Intestinal Antiinflammatory/Antiinfective Agents ni, Antiemetics and Antinauseants ni, Antiepileptics ni, Antifungals for Dermatological Use ni, Antigout Preparations ni, Antihemorrhagics ni, Antihistamines for Systemic Use ni, Antihypertensives ni, Antiinfectives for Systemic Use ni, Antiinflammatory and Antirheumatic Products ni, Antiinflammatory and Antirheumatic Products, Non-Steroids ni, Antimycobacterials ni, Antimycotics for Systemic Use ni, Antineoplastic Agents ni, Antineoplastic and Immunomodulating Agents ni, Antiobesity Preparations, excl. Diet Products ni, Antiparastic Products, Insecticides and Repllents ni, Antiprotozoals ni, Antipruritics, incl. Antihistamines, Anesthetics, etc. ni, Antipsoriatics ni, Antispetic and Disinfectants ni, Antithrombotic Agents ni, Antivirals for Systemic Use ni, Anxiolytics ni, Apixaban ni, Appetite Stimulants ni, Aripiprazole ni, Atenolol ni, Atenolol and Other Diuretics ni, Atrovastatin ni, Azathioprine ni, BCG Vaccine ni, BG-12 ni, Baclofen ni, Barbexaclone ni, Barnidipine ni, Beta Blocking Agents ni, Betahistine ni, Betamethasone ni, Bile Therapy ni, Bile and Liver Therapy Drugs ni, Biotin ni, Bisoprolol ni, Blood Substitutes and Perfusion Solutions ni, Blood and Blood Forming Organs ni, Botulinum Toxin ni, Bromazepam ni, Brotizolam ni, Cabergoline ni, Calcifediol ni, Calcium Channel Blockers ni, Calcium Folinate ni, Calcium Homeostasis ni, Calcium, Combinations with Vitamin D and/or Other Drugs ni, Candesartan and Diuretics ni, Cannabidiol ni, Cannabinoids ni, Carbamazepine ni, Cardiac Therapy ni, Cardiovascular System ni, Ceftriaxone ni, Cetirizine ni, Chlorphenamine ni, Cinnarizine ni, Cinnarizine, Combinations ni, Citalopram ni, Cladribine ni, Cladribine ni, Clobazam ni, Clonazepam ni, Clopidogrel ni, Codeine, Combinations excl. Psycholeptics ni, Colecalciferol ni, Contrast Media ni, Corticosteroids for Systemic Use ni, Corticosteroids, Dermatological Preparations ni, Corticotropin ni, Cough and Cold Preparations ni, Covid-19 Vaccines ni, Cyanocobalamin ni, Cyclophosphamide ni, Dabigatran Etexilate ni, Daclizumab ni, Dantrolene ni, Deflazacort ni, Denosumab ni, Dermatologicals ni, Desogestrel ni, Desogestrel and Ethinylestradiol ni, Desvenlafaxine ni, Dexamethasone ni, Diagnostic Agents ni, Diagnostic Radiopharmaceuticals ni, Diazepam ni, Dienogest and Estradiol ni, Dietary Supplement ni, Digestives, incl. Enzymes ni, Dimethyl Fumarate ni, Diphtheria Vaccines ni, Diuretics ni, Domperidone ni, Drospirenone and Ethinylestradiol ni, Drugs Used in Diabetes ni, Drugs for Acid Related Disorders ni, Drugs for Bile Therapy and Lipotropics in Combination ni, Drugs for Constipation ni, Drugs for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders ni, Drugs for Obstructive Airway Diseases ni, Drugs for Treatment of Bone Diseases ni, Duloxetine ni, Dustasteride ni, Ectoparasiticides, incl. Scabicides, Insecticides and Repellents ni, Ecunerv ni, Emollients and Protectives ni, Enalapril ni, Endocrine Therapy ni, Escitalopram ni, Esomeprazole ni, Etizolam ni, Etonogestrel ni, Etoricoxib ni, Ezetimibe ni, Fampridine ni, Fingolimod ni, Flunarizine ni, Fluoxetine ni, Flurazepam ni, Fluticasone ni, Formoterol and Budesonide ni, Furosemide ni, Gabapentin ni, General Nutrients ni, Genito Urinary System and Sex Hormones ni, Glatiramer Acetate ni, Gliclazide ni, Glimepiride ni, Glucocorticoids, Systemic ni, Gynecological Antiinfectives and Antiseptics ni, HMG CoA Reductase Inhibitors ni, Hepatitis B, Purified Antigen ni, Hydrochlorothiazide ni, Hydrocortisone ni, Hydrocortisone ni, Hydroxychloroquine ni, Hypnotics and Sedatives ni, Ibuprofen ni, Immune Sera and Immunoglobulins ni, Immunoglobulins, Normal Human, for Intravascular Adm. ni, Immunostimulants ni, Immunosuppressants ni, Indometacin ni, Insulin Glargine ni, Insulin Lispro ni, Insulins and Analogues ni, Interferon Beta Natural ni, Interferon Beta-1a ni, Interferon Beta-1b ni, Ketorolac ni, Lactulose ni, Lamotrigine ni, Lercanidipine ni, Levetiracetam ni, Levocetirizine ni, Levodopa and Decarboxylase Inhibitor ni, Levothyroxine Sodium ni, Lipid Modifying Agents ni, Liver Therapy, Lipotropics ni, Lorazepam ni, Losartan ni, Malgradate ni, Medicated Dressings ni, Melatonin ni, Mesalazine ni, Metformin ni, Methotrexate ni, Methotrexate ni, Methylprednisolone ni, Mineral Supplements ni, Mitoxantrone ni, Mitrazapine ni, Modafinil ni, Montelukast ni, Muscle Relaxants ni, Musculo-Skeletal System ni, Naltrexone ni, Nasal Preparations ni, Natalizumab ni, Nebivolol ni, Nervous System ni, Nicergoline ni, Ocrelizumab ni, Ofatumumab ni, Olanzapine ni, Olmesartan Medoxomil ni, Olmesartan Medoxomil and Amlodipine ni, Omeprazole ni, Ophthalmologicals ni, Ophthalmologicals and Otologicals Products ni, Other Alimentary Tract and Metabolism ni, Other Dermatological Preparations ni, Other Drugs for Disorders of the Musculo-Skeletal System ni, Other Gynecologicals ni, Other Hematological Agents ni, Other Nervous System Drugs ni, Other Respiratory System Products ni, Other Vaccines ni, Otologicals ni, Oxcarbazepine ni, Oxybutynin ni, Ozanimod ni, Paliperidone ni, Pancreatic Hormones ni, Pantoprazole ni, Paracetamol ni, Paroxetine ni, Peginterferon Alfa-2b ni, Peginterferon Beta-1a ni, Perindopril and Amlodipine ni, Peripheral Vasodilators ni, Phenobarbital ni, Phenytoin ni, Pituitary and Hypothalamic Hormones and Analogues ni, Poliomyelitis, Trivalent, Inactivated, Whole Virus ni, Pramipexole ni, Prasugrel ni, Prazepam ni, Prednisolone ni, Prednisone ni, Pregabalin ni, Preparations for Treatment of Wounds and Ulcers ni, Progestogens and Estrogens Systemic Contraceptives, Sequential Preparations ni, Proglumide ni, Propanolol ni, Psychoanaleptics ni, Psycholeptics ni, Quetiapine ni, Ramipril ni, Reboxetine ni, Repaglinide ni, Respiratory System ni, Rifampicin ni, Riluzole ni, Rituximab ni, Rivaroxaban ni, Rivastigmine ni, Ropinirole ni, Rosuvastatin ni, Salbutamol ni, Secukinumab ni, Semaglutide ni, Sensory Organs ni, Sertraline ni, Sex Hormones and Modulators of the Genital System ni, Sildenafil ni, Simvastatin ni, Siponimod ni, Sitagliptin ni, Stomatological Preparations ni, Sulfasalazine ni, Sumatriptan ni, Surgical Dressings ni, Systemic Hormonal Preparations, excl. Sex Hormones and Insulins ni, Tadalafil ni, Tafluprost ni, Tamoxifen ni, Tamsulosin ni, Telmisartan ni, Terbutaline ni, Teriflunomide ni, Tetanus Immunoglobulin ni, Tetracosactide ni, Therapeutic Radiopharmaceuticals ni, Thiamazole ni, Thiethylperazine ni, Throat Preparations ni, Thyroid Therapy ni, Tibolone ni, Ticlopidine ni, Tiotropium Bromide ni, Tizanidine ni, Tocilizumab ni, Tolterodine ni, Tonics ni, Topical Products for Joint and Muscular Pain ni, Topiramate ni, Trastuzumab ni, Trazodone ni, Triazolam ni, Trospium ni, Urologicals ni, Ursodeoxycholic Acid ni, Ustekinumab ni, Vaccines ni, Valaciclovir ni, Valproic Acid ni, Valsartan ni, Various ni, Vasoprotectives ni, Venlafaxine ni, Verapamil ni, Vertioxetine ni, Vigabatrin ni, Vitamins ni, Warfarin ni, Zolmitriptan ni, Zolpidem ni, Zuclopenthixol ni

Physical Activityc back to ToC or Class ToC


Any form of exercise or movement. Physical activity may include planned activity such as walking, running, basketball, or other sports. Physical activity may also include other daily activities such as household chores, yard work, walking the dog, etc. [Definition Source: NCI][attribution: from NIDDK Glossary;]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Activity c
is in domain of
activityIntensity dp, activityType dp, weeklyFrequency dp

Physical Activity Datac back to ToC or Class ToC


Any form of exercise or movement. Physical activity may include planned activity such as walking, running, basketball, or other sports. Physical activity may also include other daily activities such as household chores, yard work, walking the dog, etc. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Wearable Data Measurement c
is in domain of
activeKilocalories dp, activeTime dp, activityDistance dp, activitySteps dp, activityStepsGoal dp, basalKilocalories dp, bmrKilocalories dp, floorsClimbed dp, floorsClimbedGoal dp, intensityDurationGoal dp, moderateIntensityDuration dp, steps12am6am dp, steps12pm6pm dp, steps6am12pm dp, totalCalories dp, vigorousIntensityDuration dp

Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Indexc back to ToC or Class ToC


A self-rated questionnaire which assesses sleep quality and disturbances over a one month time interval. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Questionnaire filled using a mobile application c
is in domain of
PSQI_Q1 dp, PSQI_Q10 dp, PSQI_Q11A dp, PSQI_Q11B dp, PSQI_Q11C dp, PSQI_Q11D dp, PSQI_Q11E dp, PSQI_Q2 dp, PSQI_Q3 dp, PSQI_Q4 dp, PSQI_Q5A dp, PSQI_Q5B dp, PSQI_Q5C dp, PSQI_Q5D dp, PSQI_Q5E dp, PSQI_Q5F dp, PSQI_Q5G dp, PSQI_Q5H dp, PSQI_Q5I dp, PSQI_Q5J_1 dp, PSQI_Q5J_2 dp, PSQI_Q6 dp, PSQI_Q7 dp, PSQI_Q8 dp, PSQI_Q9 dp

Placec back to ToC or Class ToC


A particular part or region of space; a physical locality, a locale; a spot, a location. [Definition Source: Oxford English Dictionary]
is in domain of
placeArea dp, zipCode dp, zipHashed dp
is in range of
birthplace op, coveredPlace op, placeLocation op

Pollutionc back to ToC or Class ToC


The different types of pollutions that are represented in the ISO37120 Environment indicators
has sub-classes
Air pollution c, Noise pollution c, Water pollution c

Pollution averagec back to ToC or Class ToC


Average value of pollution measurements over a certain time interval.
has super-classes

Pollution concentrationc back to ToC or Class ToC


The different types of pollution concentrations that are represented in the ISO37120 Environment indicators - these record the actual measurements at a specific time and location.
has super-classes
Quantity c
has sub-classes
Air pollution concentration c, Noise pollution concentration c

Positron Emission Tomography (PET)c back to ToC or Class ToC


A technique for measuring the gamma radiation produced by collisions of electrons and positrons (anti-electrons) within living tissue. In positron emission tomography (PET), a subject is given a dose of a positron-emitting radionuclide attached to a metabolically active substance (for example, 2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG), which is similar to a naturally occurring sugar, glucose, with the addition of a radioactive fluorine atom). When living tissue containing the positron emitter is bombarded by electrons, gamma radiation produced by collisions of electrons and positrons is detected by a scanner, revealing in fine detail the tissue location of the metabolically-active substance administered. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Diagnostic Imaging c

Precipitationc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Weather Data c
has sub-classes
Daily Precipitation Sum c

Pregnancyc back to ToC or Class ToC


The state or condition of having a developing embryo or fetus in the body (uterus), after union of an ovum and spermatozoon, during the period from conception to birth. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
is in domain of
pregnancyComplications dp, pregnancyEnd dp, pregnancyEndEvent dp, pregnancyStart dp, privacyPreservingDate dp
is in range of
coexistingPregnancy op, confirmedPregnancy op, pregnancy op

Proper Intervalc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Interval c
is disjoint with
Instant c

Protocol Eventc back to ToC or Class ToC


Other important events that occur during a trial but are not driven by protocol requirements. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Event c

Pulmonary Function Testc back to ToC or Class ToC


A broad range of tests that are performed to assess how well lungs inhale and exhale air and how efficiently they transfer oxygen into the blood. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Diagnostic Procedure c
is in domain of
pulmonaryAOPAbs dp, pulmonaryFEV6 dp, pulmonaryFVCLyingDown dp, pulmonaryFVCLyingDownPercentage dp, pulmonaryFVCRel dp, pulmonaryFVCSitting dp, pulmonaryFVCSittingPercentage dp, pulmonaryMEP dp, pulmonaryMEPAbs dp, pulmonaryMEPpercentage dp, pulmonaryMIP dp, pulmonaryMIPAbs dp, pulmonaryMIPpercentage dp, pulmonaryNIP dp, pulmonaryPCF dp, pulmonaryPCO2 dp, pulmonaryPO2 dp, pulmonaryVCAbs dp

Pulmonary function testingc back to ToC or Class ToC


A broad range of tests that are performed to assess how well lungs inhale and exhale air and how efficiently they transfer oxygen into the blood. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Questionnaire filled using a mobile application c
is in domain of
PFTs_FEV1_L dp, PFTs_FEV1_P dp, PFTs_FEV6_L dp, PFTs_FEV6_P dp

Quantityc back to ToC or Class ToC


has sub-classes
Pollution concentration c, Weather Data c, mass c, volume c
is in domain of
phenomenon op, value op

Questionnairec back to ToC or Class ToC


A predetermined set of questions. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Diagnostic Procedure c
has sub-classes
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale (ALSFRS) c, King's Clinical Staging Method c, Milano-Torino Functional Staging System (MiToS) c

Relapsec back to ToC or Class ToC


The return of a disease after a period of remission. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
is in domain of
bowelAndBladderRelapse dp, brainstemRelapse dp, cerebellarRelapse dp, coexistingPregnancy op, cognitiveRelapse dp, otherRelapse dp, privacyPreservingDate dp, pyramidalRelapse dp, relapseClinicalTherapy dp, relapseCortisoneTherapy dp, relapseDuration dp, relapseEnd dp, relapseHospitalAdmission dp, relapseImpactOnADL dp, relapseRecovery dp, relapseSequela dp, relapseSeverity dp, relapseStart dp, requiredMRI op, sensoryRelapse dp, visualRelapse dp
is in range of
relapse op

Residencec back to ToC or Class ToC


Any address at which a person dwells more than temporarily. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
is in domain of
placeLocation op, residenceEnd dp, residenceStart dp
is in range of
residence op

Respiratory Datac back to ToC or Class ToC


Respiratory Data registered by a wearable device.
has super-classes
Wearable Data Measurement c
is in domain of
repirationSampEn dp, respirationAlpha1DimMean dp, respirationAlpha1DimRange dp, respirationAlpha1ExpMean dp, respirationAlpha1ExpRange dp, respirationAlpha2DimMean dp, respirationAlpha2DimRange dp, respirationAlpha2ExpMean dp, respirationAlpha2ExpRange dp, respirationApEn dp, respirationDFAalpha1 dp, respirationDFAalpha2 dp, respirationRMSSD dp, respirationSD1 dp, respirationSD2 dp, respirationSD2SD1 dp, respirationSDBB dp, respirationSDSD dp

S F6c back to ToC or Class ToC


Sulfur hexafluoride
has super-classes
G H Gs c

S F6 concentrationc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
G H Gs concentration c

S O2c back to ToC or Class ToC


Sulphur dioxide
has super-classes
Air pollution c

Self assessed ALSFRS-R questionnairec back to ToC or Class ToC


ALSFRS-R assessed by the patient using the mobile questionnaires.
has super-classes
Questionnaire filled using a mobile application c
is in domain of
ALSFRSR_Q1 dp, ALSFRSR_Q10 dp, ALSFRSR_Q10alt dp, ALSFRSR_Q11 dp, ALSFRSR_Q11alt dp, ALSFRSR_Q12 dp, ALSFRSR_Q12alt dp, ALSFRSR_Q1alt dp, ALSFRSR_Q2 dp, ALSFRSR_Q2alt dp, ALSFRSR_Q3 dp, ALSFRSR_Q3alt dp, ALSFRSR_Q4 dp, ALSFRSR_Q4alt dp, ALSFRSR_Q5 dp, ALSFRSR_Q5A dp, ALSFRSR_Q5Aalt dp, ALSFRSR_Q5B dp, ALSFRSR_Q5Balt dp, ALSFRSR_Q6 dp, ALSFRSR_Q6alt dp, ALSFRSR_Q7 dp, ALSFRSR_Q7alt dp, ALSFRSR_Q8 dp, ALSFRSR_Q8alt dp, ALSFRSR_Q9 dp, ALSFRSR_Q9alt dp, ALSFRS_R_WHO_COMPLETED dp

Sensing Devicec back to ToC or Class ToC


A sensing device is a device that implements sensing.
Is defined by
has super-classes
Sensor c
is in domain of
coveredPlace op
is in range of
is produced by op, ownsSensingDevice op

Sensorc back to ToC or Class ToC


A sensor can do (implements) sensing: that is, a sensor is any entity that can follow a sensing method and thus observe some Property of a FeatureOfInterest. Sensors may be physical devices, computational methods, a laboratory setup with a person following a method, or any other thing that can follow a Sensing Method to observe a Property.
Is defined by
has super-classes
Physical Object c
has sub-classes
Sensing Device c

Singular unitc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Unit of Measure c
has sub-classes
decibel c, tonne c
has members
decibel ni, tonne ni

Sleep Datac back to ToC or Class ToC


A natural and periodic state of rest during which consciousness of the world is suspended. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Wearable Data Measurement c
is in domain of
awakeDuration dp, deepSleepDuration dp, lightSleepDuration dp, remSleep dp, totalSleepDuration dp, unmeasurableSleepDuration dp

Sleep Qualityc back to ToC or Class ToC


A question about an individual's sleeping. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Questionnaire filled using a mobile application c
is in domain of

Smokingc back to ToC or Class ToC


The act of puffing and/or inhaling the combustion products of a substance so as to be tasted and absorbed into the bloodstream. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Activity c
is in domain of
before20Years dp, dailyCigarettes dp, everSmoked dp, packYear dp, smokersNumber dp, smokingExpositionType dp

SPO2 Datac back to ToC or Class ToC


SPO2 Data registered by a wearable device.
has super-classes
Wearable Data Measurement c
is in domain of
spo2AOD100 dp, spo2AODMax dp, spo2AV dp, spo2CA dp, spo2CT dp, spo2DI dp, spo2M dp, spo2MED dp, spo2Min dp, spo2ODI dp, spo2P dp, spo2POD dp, spo2RG dp, spo2SD dp, spo2ZC dp

Stress Levelc back to ToC or Class ToC


The negative mental, emotional, and physical reactions that occur when environmental stressors are perceived as exceeding the individual's adaptive capacities. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Wearable Data Measurement c
is in domain of
activityStressDuration dp, averageStressLevel dp, highStressDuration dp, lowStressDuration dp, maxStressLevel dp, mediumStressDuration dp, restStressDuration dp, stressDuration dp, stressQualifier dp

Sulphur Dioxide concentrationc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Air pollution concentration c

Surgical Procedurec back to ToC or Class ToC


A diagnostic or treatment procedure performed by manual and/or instrumental means, often involving an incision and the removal or replacement of a diseased organ or tissue; of or relating to or involving or used in surgery or requiring or amenable to treatment by surgery. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Intervention or Procedure c
is in domain of
anatomicalLocation op, surgicalType op

Symbol Digit Modalities Functional Testc back to ToC or Class ToC


A standardized rating scale developed by Aaron Smith in 1982, which is used to identify individuals with neurological impairment, as well as to assess divided attention, visual scanning and motor speed. This functional test measures the time to pair abstract symbols with specific numbers with a 90 second time limit. Scoring of this test is based on the total number of correctly coded items from 0-110 in 90 seconds. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Cognitive Assessment c
is in domain of
sdmtCorrect dp, sdmtIncorrect dp

Symptomc back to ToC or Class ToC


Subjective evidence of disease perceived by the patient. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Condition c
is in domain of
symptomClinicalName dp, symptomEnd dp, symptomGrade dp, symptomStart dp, symptomType dp, symptomValue dp

Temperaturec back to ToC or Class ToC


The temperature of the surroundings. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Weather Data c
has sub-classes
Daily Maximum Temperature c, Daily Mean Temperature c, Daily Minimum Temperature c

Temporal Entityc back to ToC or Class ToC


is equivalent to
Instant c or Interval c
has sub-classes
Instant c, Interval c

Therapeutic Procedurec back to ToC or Class ToC


An action or administration of therapeutic agents to produce an effect that is intended to alter or stop a pathologic process. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Intervention or Procedure c
is in domain of
performedTreatment op

Therapeutic Procedure Typec back to ToC or Class ToC


It defines some type of therapeutic procedures that could be administered to a patient.
is in range of
therapyType op
has members
Anticonvulsant Agent ni, Cortisone Therapy for Relapse ni, Drugs for MS Symptomatic Therapy ni, Drugs for MS Therapy Side Effects ni, Drugs for Other Diseases ni, Immunoactive Drugs ni, Non-Invasive Mechanical Ventilation (NIV) ni, Plasmapheresis ni

Therapeutic Treatmentc back to ToC or Class ToC


The therapeutic treatment that has been administered to a patient.
is in domain of
administration op, pharmacologicSubstance op, therapyType op
is in range of
performedTreatment op

tonnec back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Singular unit c

Traumac back to ToC or Class ToC


Damage inflicted on the body as the direct or indirect result of an external force, with or without disruption of structural continuity. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
is in domain of
anatomicalLocation op, privacyPreservingDate dp, traumaDate dp, traumaDescription dp
is in range of
trauma op

Unit divisionc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Compound Unit c
has sub-classes
microgram per cubic metre c

Unit Multiple or Submultiplec back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Unit of Measure c
has sub-classes
cubic metre c, microgram c

Unit of Measurec back to ToC or Class ToC


has sub-classes
Compound Unit c, Singular unit c, Unit Multiple or Submultiple c
is in range of
unit of measure op

Use-Case Comorbiditiesc back to ToC or Class ToC


Comorbidities checked in a specific use-case, e.g. ALS patients in a specific study.
has super-classes
Comorbidity c
has sub-classes
ALS Brainteaser Comorbidities c

Visual Acuityc back to ToC or Class ToC


Sharpness of vision, the ability to discern fine detail. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Diagnostic Procedure c
is in domain of
visualAcuityLeft dp, visualAcuityRight dp

Visual Analogue Scalec back to ToC or Class ToC


A psychometric response scale to assess subjective characteristics or symptoms, which relies upon a continuum of possible result values in between two fixed end-points. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Questionnaire filled using a mobile application c
has sub-classes
Visual Analogue Scale for ALS patients c
is in domain of
VAS_Q1 dp

Visual Analogue Scale for ALS patientsc back to ToC or Class ToC


Visual Analogue Scale questionnaire administered to ALS patients.
has super-classes
Visual Analogue Scale c

Volatile Organic Compound concentrationc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Air pollution concentration c

volumec back to ToC or Class ToC


Volume is a measure of how much three-dimensional space any phenomenon occupies. It is a derived quantity in the International System of Units. Volume is length to the power 3.
has super-classes
Quantity c
has sub-classes
P M10 Volume c, P M2.5 Volume c

Walk Testc back to ToC or Class ToC


Test performed to assess the walking abilities of patients.
has super-classes
Diagnostic Procedure c
has sub-classes
Walk Test ALS c, Walk Test MS c
is in domain of
ankleFootOrthosis dp, reasonWalkTestNotCompleted dp, walkAssistiveDevice dp, walkAssistiveDeviceUsed dp, walkTestNotCompleted dp

Walk Test ALSc back to ToC or Class ToC


Walk test performed to ALS patients.
has super-classes
Walk Test c
is in domain of
metersWalkedFirstMin dp, metersWalkedTwoMins dp, walkingTime10Meters dp

Walk Test MSc back to ToC or Class ToC


Walk test performed to MS patients.
has super-classes
Walk Test c
is in domain of
walkingTime25Steps dp

Water pollutionc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Pollution c

Wearable Data Measurementc back to ToC or Class ToC


Measurements collected by wearables.
has super-classes
Activity c
has sub-classes
Beat-To-Beat Data c, Heart Rate Measurement c, Physical Activity Data c, Respiratory Data c, SPO2 Data c, Sleep Data c, Stress Level c
is in domain of
wearableDataMeasurementDuration dp, wearableDataMeasurementStartTime dp

Weather Datac back to ToC or Class ToC


The different weather information registered by sensing devices.
has super-classes
Quantity c
has sub-classes
Atmospheric Pressure c, Global Radiation c, Humidity c, Precipitation c, Temperature c, Wind Speed c
is in domain of
APConcentrationTime op, averageMeasurement dp, concentrationMeasurement dp, is produced by op, measurementCalibrated dp, privacyPreservingDate dp, unit of measure op, validMeasurements dp

Weightc back to ToC or Class ToC


The weight of a subject. [Definition Source: NCI]
Is defined by
has super-classes
Questionnaire filled using a mobile application c
is in domain of

Wind Speedc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
Weather Data c
has sub-classes
Daily Mean Wind Speed c

Object Properties

administrationop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationship between a therapeutic treatment and the specific administration details.
has domain
Therapeutic Treatment c
has range
Administration c

adverseReactionop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationship between The end therapy reason and the adverse reaction occurred.
has domain
End Therapy Reason c
has range
Adverse Drug Reaction c

anatomicalLocationop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the location of a trauma, onset, surgical procedure or diagnostic imaging.

APConcentrationTimeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationship between air pollution conentration individuals and their time of recording.
has domain
Air pollution concentration c or Weather Data c
has range
Instant c

birthplaceop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationship between a person and his or her birthplace.
has domain
Person c
has range
Place c

coexistingPregnancyop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationship between a relapse and a co-occurring pregnancy.
has domain
Relapse c
has range
Pregnancy c

conductedInClinicop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationship between a clinical trial and a clinic or hospital. In particular, a clinical trial is conducted in a clinic or hospital.
has domain
Clinical Trial c
has range
Clinics and Hospitals c

confirmedPregnancyop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationship between the end therapy reason and a pregnancy, meaning the therapeutic treatment was interrupted due to a confirmed pregnancy.
has domain
End Therapy Reason c
has range
Pregnancy c

consistsop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationship between an event and an intervetion or procedure. In particular, an event could consist in an intervention or procedure.
has domain
Event c
has range
Intervention or Procedure c

coveredPlaceop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationship between the sensing device for environmental data and the covered place.
has domain
Sensing Device c
has range
Place c

determinedByop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationship between a comorbidity and the disease that determines it.

has characteristics: functional

has domain
Comorbidity c
has range
Disease, Disorder or Finding c

enrolledInop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationship between a person and a clinical trial participation. In particular, a person can be enrolled in a clinical trial participation.
has domain
Person c
has range
Clinical Trial Participation c

filledAppQuestionnaireop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Links each app questionnaire to the event in which it was filled.

has broaderop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Broader concepts are typically rendered as parents in a concept hierarchy (tree).
Relates a concept to a concept that is more general in meaning.
Is defined by
has super-properties
has broader transitive op
has sub-properties
has broader match op
is inverse of
has narrower op

has broader matchop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


skos:broadMatch is used to state a hierarchical mapping link between two conceptual resources in different concept schemes.
Is defined by
has super-properties
has broader op, is in mapping relation with op
is inverse of
has narrower match op

has broader transitiveop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has characteristics: transitive

has super-properties
is in semantic relation with op
has sub-properties
has broader op
is inverse of
has narrower transitive op
is also defined as
annotation property

has close matchop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


skos:closeMatch is used to link two concepts that are sufficiently similar that they can be used interchangeably in some information retrieval applications. In order to avoid the possibility of "compound errors" when combining mappings across more than two concept schemes, skos:closeMatch is not declared to be a transitive property.
Is defined by

has characteristics: symmetric

has super-properties
is in mapping relation with op
has sub-properties
has exact match op

has exact matchop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


skos:exactMatch is disjoint with each of the properties skos:broadMatch and skos:relatedMatch.
skos:exactMatch is used to link two concepts, indicating a high degree of confidence that the concepts can be used interchangeably across a wide range of information retrieval applications. skos:exactMatch is a transitive property, and is a sub-property of skos:closeMatch.
Is defined by

has characteristics: symmetric, transitive

has super-properties
has close match op

has memberop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Relates a collection to one of its members.
Is defined by
has domain
Collection c
has range
Collection c or Concept c

has member listop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


For any resource, every item in the list given as the value of the skos:memberList property is also a value of the skos:member property.
Relates an ordered collection to the RDF list containing its members.
Is defined by

has characteristics: functional

has domain
Ordered Collection c

has narrowerop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Narrower concepts are typically rendered as children in a concept hierarchy (tree).
Relates a concept to a concept that is more specific in meaning.
Is defined by
has super-properties
has narrower transitive op
has sub-properties
has narrower match op
is inverse of
has broader op

has narrower matchop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


skos:narrowMatch is used to state a hierarchical mapping link between two conceptual resources in different concept schemes.
Is defined by
has super-properties
has narrower op, is in mapping relation with op
is inverse of
has broader match op

has narrower transitiveop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


skos:narrowerTransitive is a transitive superproperty of skos:narrower.
Is defined by

has characteristics: transitive

has super-properties
is in semantic relation with op
has sub-properties
has narrower op
is inverse of
has broader transitive op

has relatedop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


skos:related is disjoint with skos:broaderTransitive
Relates a concept to a concept with which there is an associative semantic relationship.
Is defined by

has characteristics: symmetric

has super-properties
is in semantic relation with op
has sub-properties
has related match op

has related matchop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


skos:relatedMatch is used to state an associative mapping link between two conceptual resources in different concept schemes.
Is defined by

has characteristics: symmetric

has super-properties
has related op, is in mapping relation with op

has top conceptop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Relates, by convention, a concept scheme to a concept which is topmost in the broader/narrower concept hierarchies for that scheme, providing an entry point to these hierarchies.
Is defined by
has domain
Concept Scheme c
has range
Concept c
is inverse of
is top concept in scheme op

hasDiseaseop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationship between a person and a disease which he or she suffers from.
has domain
Person c
has range
Disease, Disorder or Finding c

hasEthnicityop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the patient's ethnicity. For instance, we say that: :Peter :hasEthnicity _:b . _:b a Group (social concept); a skos:Concept.

has characteristics: functional

has domain
Patient c
has range
Group (social concept) c

hasKinshipop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relation between a patient and a kinship. For instance, we say that: :Peter :hasKinship _:b . _:b a Kinship; :hasKinshipType http://aunt. http://aunt a KinshipType; a skos:Concept.

has characteristics: functional

has domain
Patient c
has range
Kinship c

hasKinshipTypeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relation between a Kinship and a KinshipType. For instance, we say that: :Peter :hasKinship _:b . _:b a Kinship; :hasKinshipType http://aunt. http://aunt a KinshipType; a skos:Concept.

has characteristics: functional

has domain
Kinship c
has range
KinshipType c

hasOccupationop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationship between a patient and his or her occupation.

has characteristics: functional

has domain
Patient c
has range
Occupation c

hasRegisteredActivityop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationsihip between an event and an activity. In particular, during an event a specific type of activity can be registered.
has domain
Event c
has range
Activity c

hasRegisteredConditionop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationsihip between an event and a comorbidity. In particular, during an event a preexisting condition can be registered.
has domain
Event c
has range
Condition c

in Date Timeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has domain
Instant c

inClinicalTrialop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationship between a clinical trial participation and a clinical trial. In particular, a clinical trial participation refers to a clinical trial.

has characteristics: functional

has domain
Clinical Trial Participation c
has range
Clinical Trial c

inKinshipWithop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


The relationship of kinship between a patient with another Person (who might also be a Patient)
has domain
Kinship c
has range
Person c

is in mapping relation withop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


These concept mapping relations mirror semantic relations, and the data model defined below is similar (with the exception of skos:exactMatch) to the data model defined for semantic relations. A distinct vocabulary is provided for concept mapping relations, to provide a convenient way to differentiate links within a concept scheme from links between concept schemes. However, this pattern of usage is not a formal requirement of the SKOS data model, and relies on informal definitions of best practice.
Relates two concepts coming, by convention, from different schemes, and that have comparable meanings
Is defined by
has super-properties
is in semantic relation with op
has sub-properties
has broader match op, has close match op, has narrower match op, has related match op

is in schemeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Relates a resource (for example a concept) to a concept scheme in which it is included.
Is defined by
has sub-properties
is top concept in scheme op
has range
Concept Scheme c

is in semantic relation withop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Links a concept to a concept related by meaning.
Is defined by
has sub-properties
has broader transitive op, has narrower transitive op, has related op, is in mapping relation with op
has domain
Concept c
has range
Concept c

is produced byop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Relation between a producer and a produced entity: for example, between a sensor and the produced output.
Is defined by

is top concept in schemeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Relates a concept to the concept scheme that it is a top level concept of.
Is defined by
has super-properties
is in scheme op
has domain
Concept c
has range
Concept Scheme c
is inverse of
has top concept op

isAboutDiseaseop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationship between a clinical trial and the disease studied in it.
has domain
Clinical Trial c
has range
Disease, Disorder or Finding c

measuresop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has super-properties
phenomenon op

menstrualCycleop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Links a patient to the information about her menstrual cycle.
has domain
Patient c
has range
Menstrual Cycle c

observedResultop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationship between an hematology test and the observed laboratory results.
has domain
Hematology Test c
has range
Laboratory Test Result c

onGeneop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defnies the relationship between a genetic testing and a gene. In particular, a genetic testing looks for some genetic mutations on a gene.
has domain
Genetic Testing c
has range
Gene c

ownsSensingDeviceop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Links each person to the sensing device they are carrying.
has domain
Person c
has range
Sensing Device c

performedTreatmentop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationship between the therapeutic procedure and the perfomed therapeutic treatments.
has domain
Therapeutic Procedure c
has range
Therapeutic Treatment c

pharmacologicSubstanceop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationship between a therapeutic treatment and the employed pharmacologic subastance.

phenomenonop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has characteristics: functional

has sub-properties
measures op
has domain
Quantity c

placeLocationop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationship between a patient's residence and its location.

has characteristics: functional

has domain
Residence c
has range
Place c

pregnancyop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationship between an event and a pregnancy that can be registrered during the event.
has domain
Event c
has range
Pregnancy c

relapseop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationship between an event and a relapse that can be registered during the event.
has domain
Event c
has range
Relapse c

requiredMRIop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationship between a relapse and a MRI that has been required.
has domain
Relapse c
has range
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) c

residenceop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationship between a person and his or her residence.
has domain
Person c
has range
Residence c

surgicalTypeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the realtionship between the surgical procedure and the specific type of surgical procedure.

has characteristics: functional

has domain
Surgical Procedure c
has range
Surgical Procedure Type c

testedop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationship betwen a patient and a genetic testing. In particular, a patient can be tested for genetic mutations.
has domain
Patient c
has range
Genetic Testing c

testedForOligoclonalBandsop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationship between a CSF Analysis and a test for the presence of oligoclonal bands.

has characteristics: functional

has domain
CSF Analysis c
has range
Oligoclonal Bands c

therapyTypeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationship between the therapeutic treatment and the type of therapeutic procedure that has been administered.

traumaop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationship between an event and a trauma that can be registered during the event.
has domain
Event c
has range
Trauma c

undergoop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


It defines the relationship between patient and event. In particular, a patient can undergo some events.
has domain
Patient c
has range
Event c

unit of measureop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


valueop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


OM object property that links a Quantity to a Measure.
has domain
Quantity c